Posted by WinField on 10/07/14 11:51
Cardinal Sin wrote:
>>Stop acting braindead!
>>Your analogy sucks kosher mouse-doodles, Jim.
>>Nobody is stealing groceries in your example. Your grocery store claims
>>to have a copyright on vegetables, and is trying to prevent folks from
>>growing their own veggies! In their own backyards.
> No, they're not trying to prevent anyone from doing anything but
> stealing. What grocer has any control over the veggies in other
> grocers' markets? None.
Surely you are aware of Region codes used by the movie barons. Isn't
that the grocers we are discussing?
> What they're trying to do is stop you from breaking open a cucumber,
> stealing all the seeds, and planting your own crop, without paying the
> grocer for his original cucumber.
Wrong. Cucumber bought and paid for.
> How is that NOT stealing? Please explain it in terms other than "I want
> free music."
Technology has blind-sided your puppet masters, Cardinal Sin. Judgement
day has come upon them. Why are you quaking in your boots?
Forcing people to go back to slower computers, smaller hard-drives and
dialup modems would virtually stop movie & music sharing as we know it
today. Oh, and DVD/CD burners would cetainly have to become illegal to own.
Maybe that's a better compromise then the police state you pine for?
The private police state of the Hollywood Goldberg's & Silversteins you
yearn for.
Copyright holders are not gods.
My personal freedoms, privacy and being able to watch television
without going to jail for 15 years trump their pathetic "rights" any day
of the week.
- winf
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