Posted by Scott Dorsey on 10/13/79 11:52
Eeyore <rabbitsfriendsandrelations@REMOVETHIS.hotmail.com> wrote:
Kludge writes:
>> The thing is, that field is ALWAYS maxed out whenever anyone hands you
>> an MP3, because all the encoders want their products to play back as loudly
>> as possible. So you can usually turn it down, but seldom can you turn it
>> up.
>That's interesting Scott.
>Is there a handy application to edit the header ?
The MP3Gain application that started out this horrible thread will allow
you to adjust that field. I don't know an easy way to edit the other
header info although of course there are always binary editing tools like
git and emacs to allow you to do it by hand.
"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."
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