Posted by Jack Perry on 07/15/06 09:44
When I produce a video for another company -- say for example when I made a
marketing video for the makers of a $100,000 baseball pitching simulator ---
I agreed to give them however many videotape copies and several DVD's ---
NOT all of my source tapes as I shot some great stuff down in Florida at
several Pro Baseball team spring training camps and I wanted to use some of
it for my reel.
For a 100K product, this company was a bunch of penny-pinchers and I
certainly deserved more than I was finally paid --- but that's my problem. I
made them a killer video and I became very friendly with their President who
gave me several great recco's.
A few months later -- my friend, the president called and asked me if one of
his employees could "borrow" the footage to "play around with". I said No
problem, but I had to charge for it --- $300 I reckon...
They may own the product, but YOU Own the images and depiction of their
product unless you signed a contract to the contrary.
My friend said "No Thank You"
The point is this: I don't like to GIVE my footage away --- I like to be
PAID for it---
and Who knows what kind of Hack job some other guy or company will do to
your hard earned shooting footage ---
It's your call. If you feel that you were adequately compensated for
everything including raw tape --- then give it to them --- but If they're
just trying to squeeze you to save a few bucks
then fuck em
In all fairness, I don't like to nickel and dime -- and I get paid pretty
well most of the time,
But I HATE cheapskates
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