Posted by DH on 10/06/17 11:54
Gunther Gloop wrote:
> I went to town today for the sole purpose of buying the Sharp DVS97 HDMI dvd
> player (for 125euros).
> The brochure I had been looking at said it was "Multi-format + Divx"...
> clearly any sane person would conclude that that was their way of saying
> "multiregion" without _saying_ multiregion... but, alas, no.
> The guy in the shop was very apologetic. I think he's had a lot of interest,
> but little sales for that very reason. ...Like _who_ in their right minds
> with the capability to actually _use_ the HDMI slot would actually
> _consider_ buying a non-multi-region dvd player!?
> He said he had been checking the internet for a hack, but no luck. I checked
> a while ago and had no luck with it either.
> My Momitsu DVI player has been hit&miss with DVDs for a while now. Lately it
> has been very reluctant to let go of any dvds too (I mean it can sometimes
> take hours of 'cooling off' before the eject button works!).
> It's time for it to go. But what to replace it with? (I want a player not a
> HTPC).
> I'd rather buy local due to the on/off troubles and necessity for firmware
> upgrades I've had with the Momitsu. I know others have bought Momitsus and
> Yamadas (?) and similar/same machines without problems, but I'd only
> consider an online purchase if I could be _certain_ that the machine will
> work with no faults/stutters/lock-jaw/etc.
> So with those provisos in mind... is there _any_ 100% reliable HDMI or DVI
> dvd player out there?
> -Kevin.
Denon 1920 ?
Mine is bloody marvellous.
David Harris
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