Posted by Venger on 10/07/27 11:58
Buy 'em. You have received the all clear. Perfect? No. Lazy? Yes. Worth it?
Compare what we've been given in various releases from LD to SE:DVD to
finally, GOUT:DVD here:
If you want to see Star Wars like it was before Lucas went insane like
Howard Hughes, get these.
These are worth watching over the SE's just to get proper music editing -
the scene of the X-Wings rolling in to begin the Death Star attack in the
original is pitch perfect, as is most of the music during those scenes,
because the score was properly mixed. Watch the SE and the soundtrack
disappears under overamplified sound effects - it totally undercuts the
I was skeptical, but I popped these in and watched them, 71" 1080i screen -
and they looked pretty good! And the 2.0 is easily processed into a Neo:6
DTS or other if you want, or just enjoy the 2.0 digital - sounds very good.
Go to the screenshots page above, and see just how colorwarped the
post-breakdown Lucas editing job is - watched GOUT last night, the mangled
SE tonight - two things are so obvious, black crush is oppressive in the SE,
Star Wars doesn't have any bloody stars... and the colors are VASTLY
oversaturated in the SE, to the point it's freakish. Color temperature is
crazy in the SE's, and while it helps white crush, it ruins the picture, in
my opinion...
Leaving aside the travesty of expository scenes and dialogue being added to
the SE, it's just an overproduced, overwrought, overthought massaging the
films didn't need. Everything wrong with the prequels is sprinkled on the
Originals in the SE's.
But the new DVD's with their original trilogy release - like gold.
Get GOUT. You'll love it.
P.S. The only totally bugged out thing on this release is - the damn MENUS
on the GOUT disc are anamorphic, but since the transfer isn't, you have to
fiddle with your screen metrics between menu and movie - that SUCKS. But
it's livable to get the best version of TOT released to date...
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