Posted by Abe on 09/20/06 21:54
>>>> What is a good, safe laser lens cleaner for a standard DVDR?
>>> I've had good luck with the Maxell DVD Lens Cleaner (DVD-LC)
>>> http://www.maxell-usa.com/index.aspx?id=1;13;227;229&a=info&pid=120
>> I checked with WalMart and that's the only DVD Lens Cleaner they
>> carry. The reviews on amazon.com were a bit mixed, but in general they
>> were favorable. Thanks for the recommendation.
>I had zero luck using one of those. I bought a new DVD player, but
>fairly soon I intend to take my two DVD players apart and clean the
>lenses using Windex and a lens tissue. Mine act like there is a film
>built up on the lenses because the both have problems even when
>the disk is new. The new player does not have any problems
>with the disks that will not work in the other players.
Yeah, for anything more than light dust, you have to get in there and
manually clean the lens.
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