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Re: A very unique new camcorder !!

Posted by Martin Heffels on 09/27/06 03:59

On Tue, 26 Sep 2006 18:02:01 -0400, "Smarty" <> wrote:

>Thanks Martin. I did find your link from 9 months ago "
>"An interesting new cam. Still concept, but if it would hit the market :) "

That's the one. Only need to search for my name ;-)

The camera is still in development. As I wrote in r.v.desktop a few days
ago, the first images were shown at the recent IBC, and were impressive.
Some stills are on the Red-website.
Unfortunately the proto-type has been stolen, but there is a $100k reward
if you know where it is.


"Every picture defines its own look, and that definition begins with the
director's intentions for the script ... I have Ingmar Bergman to thank
for letting me experiment with a kind of cinematography that utilizes
true light where possible. ... He was intensely interested in light and
how it can be applied to create a given atmosphere."
- Sven Nykvist, passed away 20-9-2006

Farewell Sven. You are a great inspiration. May you guide our lights
from heaven!



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