Posted by Spex on 10/04/06 07:13
leekazimir@gmail.com wrote:
> Folks,
> I've just shot 100 hours of HDV tape for a documentary I'm making. I'm
> now facing the question of how to edit it all.
> Back when I bought into the format last January, there was no clear
> editing solution for HDV. Edius Canopus, Final Cut HDV, Vegas, and
> several others were all being talked about. I've been totally out of
> the loop for 9 months now and I'm wondering if there is a clear
> favorite yet.
> I want to spend a maximum of 5,000 USD on a setup. I'm willing to go
> either PC or Mac, depending on which works better for me. (I've never
> owned a Mac, having done all my previous editing in Adobe Premiere.)
> So the first question is: what platform and what software do you
> recommend?
> Also, what are my main concerns with hardware? Maximum storage space?
> Fast disks? I know HDV is supposed to take up 40 gigs per hour, but
> isn't that ONLY while it's uncompressed?
> Frankly, I'm a total newbie when it comes to editing HDV, so any
> recommendations you could give (or links to websites with descriptions
> of the hardware and software concerns of HDV) would be a major help.
> Thanks in advance,
> Lee
An email like this will get loads of differing advice as there is no
real winner just personal favourites.
My personal favourite is FCP Studio running on a new Intel Mac. FCP has
just been given a huge update in terms of HDV editing and all flavours
are now covered.
If you don't want to edit natively then Cineform is coming to the Mac
very shortly. Look for an announcement in about 4 weeks.
Storage wise you should really look to put together a RAID (I use
5x250GB Western Digital enterprise level SATA drives in an eSATA
enclosure) and it should be twice the size of the amount of video you
expect to capture. As drives fill they can dramatically reduce in
If you intend to edit "native" HDV then the storage space requirements
are similar to DV but use an intermediate codec like Cineform or Edius
then the space requirements can double.
A Mac Pro (3GB RAM) and 4 drives (1 system & 3 drives striped as a RAID)
with FCP should match your budget. Obviously buy your own drives and
fit them yourself to save money!
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