Posted by wunnuy on 12/15/05 20:01
Justin wrote:
> wunnuy wrote on [15 Dec 2005 11:11:45 -0800]:
> > > No, I think you misread my post. I said I live in Los angeles. Not some
> > bumfuck shithole in the midwest or on the coast. Los Angeles.
> You really are a rude and ignorant fuck, aren't you
Whoa, whoa, whoa, there nelly. What is with all the hositilities?
> "With Netflix, they said they sent both disks the same time, but one came three days before the other and there's no way that's the mail's fault. "
> That right there says the PO is perfect and it's not possible for it to
> be their fault.
Um, where does it say the PO is perfect? I'm lookin at my words you're
quoting and I not only don't see it, I don't even see it implied.
Netflix does a thing called "throttling" which is what they did there.
You might want to do a little research. Talk about ignorant fucks.
Maybe you ought to stop boinking your sister and get a little
education, there boy.
> Or perhaps you're an idiot
Hey, you're the nimrod living in some bumfuck town in the midwest
having sex with family members. Did I say something to insult you
before? Nope. I think you're a little frustrated because your sister is
not putting out the last few days.
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