Posted by Don M. on 10/17/06 05:16
<yuetwah2000@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Hi guys,
> Does anyone know a program which can let me generate a mp3 file of a
> specified period of silence, e.g. 10 min? Or is it something that I can
> make on the go with Notepad or something?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
You can buy 2 of John Cage's "4'33" and 1 of Ciccone Youth's "Silence" on iTunes Music
Store, play them in sequence to get 10 minutes and 9 seconds. Just be mindful of what you
do with those purchases, e.g. do not broadcast them, since they are copyrighted - or as
some people would want you to believe, "copylicensed". <LOL>
There may be an issue also if you make your own for commercial use and it sounds anything
like those and some others.
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