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Re: Judge: File-swapping tools are legal

Posted by jayembee on 11/06/06 22:21 (Citizen Bob) wrote:

> jayembee <> wrote:
>>> Therefore the law you claim is binding is not really binding -
>> Horseshit. If you really believe that, then *no* law is binding.
> That does not follow from what I have stated.

Sure it does. You set up a hypothetical case where you'd be given
a trial for violating copyright, and then arguing that a single
juror voting "Not Guilty" exonerates you, and that this means
that the law against copyright violation is not binding.

How does that differ from any other crime? The criminal trial jury
"exonerated" OJ Simpson on the charge of murder. Does that mean
that the law against murder is not binding?

-- jayembee



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