Posted by David on 11/09/06 00:18
"Randy Yates" <yates@ieee.org> wrote >>> Yes. The Monster sounded flat
(some people may love that) and lower
>>> in volume. It lacked detail, kick and bass. The AR had kick,
>>> clarity, bass and it was louder. It gave the music and surround
>>> sound true impact.
>> And to what do you attribute this difference in sound? How do you
>> suppose the cable altered the bit stream to cause the audible
>> difference that you believe you heard?
>> Changing the bass characteristics of the music would require that your
>> cable change each successive 16-bit word in exactly the right
>> direction (some values increased, some decreased, some left unchanged)
>> in exactly the right sequence over an extended period of time. And it
>> would have to do all that without losing any of the signal bits
>> (pre-emphasis and so on), nor mixing up any of the interleaved samples
>> for the right and left channels.
> Jim,
> You forgot to mention that this feat would also require scaling the
> convolution sum (from the bass FIR filter) appropriately with the
> right number of guard bits and the right requantization back to the
> native data path width, possibly utilizing psychoacoustic noise-shaping.
You know, I never did consider the "psychoacoustic noise-shaping" parameter.
Thanks for pointing that out. ;-)
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