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Downloading leads to more TV watching

Posted by Citizen Bob on 11/20/06 12:18

Copyright 2006 CNET Networks, Inc.

Poll--downloading leads to more TV watching
By Colin Mahan -

CBS poll indicates people who download shows sample more TV, not less,
and become fans of more series.

A poll taken by CBS shows that over half of the users who have
streamed CBS shows on the Web had never seen the shows before on TV.
The network says that the new users then became fans of those shows.

CBS says this data will help it and the other networks in their
efforts to monetize Web content. The more new people who watch shows
at the network sites, the better ad rates the networks can command.

"We're looking at this as a key change in direction for us now and
looking at our programming as dual distribution programming--over the
air and on the Internet," CBS Corp. research chief David Poltrack told
reporters today.

The new report adds to a report that ABC had conducted over the summer
regarding impressions online ads made on Web surfers. In ABC's
analysis, 87 percent of viewers at said they recalled which
advertisers had appeared during the shows they watched, and that those
advertisers came off well due to advertising on the Web.

The networks are increasingly putting content onto the Web as if it is
another TV channel. CBS recently put the remaining episodes of its
canceled series Smith on its Innertube broadband site, Fox is running
canned drama Vanished on its sites, and NBC put axed drama Kidnapped
up at ABC has been broadcasting episodes of its shows online
since last year.


* It's rudimentary logic really, you increase someones access to
something of course they're going to do it more, particularly if that
access is free. as i said, i found the same happened with music and
movies too, when illegally downloaded free access led to more of an
interest, and also more purchases being made of cds and dvds etc (in

* Why do they write this like it's a newly discovered surprise? Stupid

* It allows me to watch tv and a downloaded show at the same time. So
I believe it

* Last year I watched about three shows on a regular basis. I used to
just wait for the DVD's of shows I liked, because I was never home at
night. This year I double the amount of shows I watch as I was able to
keep up on shows, especially ABC shows...and got hooked on a few to
the point where I actually stay home when I can to watch them.

* Agreed. I now watch more TV than ever, but I've dropped other shows
to watch better shows that I have downloaded. Good or bad.


Rope, Tree, Journalist - some assembly required.

Chain, Pickup, Politician - some assembly required.



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