Posted by Citizen Bob on 11/20/06 17:54
On Mon, 20 Nov 2006 12:51:11 -0500, "VideoReDo Sucks"
<herschel@videoredosucks.com> wrote:
>Oh, I would wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment.
>Unfortunately I'm having issues with customer support at Video ReDo.
>They refuse to do the right thing so I've purchased the videoredosucks.com
>domain, as is my right, and will be posting from now on through that domain.
>I may even set up a website there sometime in the future.
>Oh, and a note to techsupport at Video ReDo: No I don't have a tech support
>question, I have a Customer Service problem so if you could pass this along
>to them, I'd be appreciative.
VideoReDo is a one-man garage shop, so the same person is tech support
and customer support.
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