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Re: DVDR Resolution

Posted by Citizen Bob on 11/22/06 18:28

On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 16:08:39 GMT, (GMAN)

>>>You two do realize that most of these standalone DVD recorders drop down into
>>>MPEG1 format when you get into the 3 + hour modes?

>>Not my two DVDRs.

>Well something has got to give to fit 4+ hours on a single sided DVD
>recordable and its either bitrate or resolution or both.

The DVD-5 standars is such that 2-hour resolution will fit 2 hours of
content on a single layer DVD. The purpose of MPEG-2 is to allow
different rates of compression. Therefore if the DVDR configures the
MPEG-2 codec to the resolution to 4-hr, then 4 hours of content will
fit on a DVD-5 disc because it has been compressed to fit. There are
two basic ways to do that: 1) Make the frame size smaller; 2) Make the
bit rate slower.

>Ok, see , it dropped the resolution to 352x480 instead of the DVD standard
>720x480 and it has dropped the bitrate to VCD quality.

>So basically you have created a VCD using mpeg2 instead of mpeg1.

>I'm not saying anything is wrong here but its by no means a choice i would
>make when recording. Its still terrible quality IMHO.

Not on my 19" RCA TV. I am going to give my son some samples to try
out on his 62" DLP TV using his Philips HDMI player. I fully expect
the 352x480 to show up with noticable lower resolution.

Remember my original statement was about 6-hr resolution looking OK on
my 19" TV. That was not the case with that old ILO Cyberhome 1600 I
had to shitcan because the pricks went out of business right at the
time it got laser rot. 6-hr resolution looked like crap on my 19" TV.
That's because it was MPEG-1.

My whole point is to alert people to the fact that the newest codec
chip(s) have changed the rules for low resolution recordings. The only
way to know is try it and find out.

If anyone knows anything about the LSI Logic MPEG-2 chip, please


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