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Re: Freeware alternative to iTunes that doesn't delete all your songs constantly

Posted by Charles Russell on 12/03/06 05:22

Technobarbarian wrote:
> "Charles Russell" <> wrote in message
> news:yBjbh.20618$
>>Al Smith wrote:
>>>I'm thinking about getting my first MP3 player, but I'm going to stay
>>>away from Apple, just because of all the DRM bullshit. Even worse is the
>>>ridiculous Microsoft Zune. I want a cheap player that will let me just
>>>plug it in to a USB port, and have it recognized automatically as another
>>>drive, do that I can drag and drop whatever I want onto its memory chip.
>>Of course, it will require software, such as Rockbox. One would like to
>>run open-source software on generic hardware, but none of the current
>>hardware manufacturers has revealed its specs. Each is hoping for a
>>proprietary iPod-like product. With luck somebody might eventually market
>>generic hardware and make his profit on high volume at small volume (like
> Here's an interesting alternative:
> TB
I would like a player to run a good software package that will let me do
things like bookmarking a place in a recorded lecture, play something
else, and then return to the bookmark. In short, something with all the
features of ipod and more, open source, and not requiring proprietary
file formats. Rockbox seems to fit the bill, but all the hardware it is
reported to run on is expensive, and the developers complain about
unavailable hardware specs.



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