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DVD REVIEW -- "The Dick Van Dyke Show: The Complete Series" (All 5 Seasons)

Posted by David Von Pein on 12/03/06 06:10





The DVD Boxed Set To End All Boxed Sets!

A 25-Disc Collection Containing Every Single Episode Of "The Dick Van
Dyke Show"!



If you're looking for a super-sensational, tantalizingly-terrific, and
spectacularly-massive DVD set containing some of the greatest comedy
moments in television history, then look no further than "THE DICK VAN
DYKE SHOW: THE COMPLETE SERIES", a colossal 25-Disc DVD set featuring
every episode ever made of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" (the multiple Emmy
Award-winning CBS-TV comedy series which ran from 1961 to 1966).

The Complete-Series DVD collection, which was originally released on
May 24, 2005, holds all five seasons of the perpetually-entertaining
Van Dyke Show -- 158 total episodes -- all restored and remastered by
Image Entertainment and Paul Brownstein Productions, with each episode
exhibiting excellent video and audio quality. And every single program
is complete and unedited. The average running time per episode is a
shade more than 25 minutes.

All 158 shows have been bundled together to form one giant,
money-saving "Complete Series" collection. Each of the twenty-five
single-sided discs gets its own individual slim plastic case. Each case
has unique cover art, featuring a different publicity still photo on
the front.

The 25 discs in this Mega-Set are placed side-by-side inside a large
outer "slipcase" box. You can get a good up-close gander of the
slick-looking packaging by going to the following weblink, previously
linked above as well (once there, you can click on the image itself to
blow up the photo to an even larger size):

Image Entertainment distributed five separate season-by-season "Dick
Van Dyke Show" DVD boxed sets in 2003 and 2004, with each of those sets
coming with a 5-Disc slipcase box. However, those separate seasonal
slipcases are not included in the Mega-Set.

Gobs and gobs of supplemental bonus features are also included on the
twenty-five DVDs, including: Audio Commentary Tracks on several
episodes (sporting the voices of Dick Van Dyke, Carl Reiner, Rose
Marie, and others), along with cast interviews, vintage 1960s TV
commercials, documentaries, featurettes, Emmy Award video clips, photo
galleries, behind-the-scenes rehearsal footage, trivia games, CBS-TV
promos, some hidden Easter Eggs to seek out, and lots of other little
interesting extra tidbits besides!

There are even full-length TV-show bonuses included on selected discs,
including a complete episode of "The Danny Thomas Show" (which has
Morey Amsterdam popping up as his Van Dyke Show character, "Buddy

Other complete TV-show extras include the original Pilot episode for
the Van Dyke series; plus a full-length 46-minute CBS-TV Van Dyke Show
documentary made in the mid-1990s; and an absolutely-outstanding and
ultra-fun-to-watch episode of a 1962 television game show entitled
"Stump The Stars" (aka: "Mike Stokey's Pantomime Quiz"), which has
several Van Dyke Show cast members playing a lively charades game.
Great, great fun!

A nicely-constructed 12-page booklet, packed with interesting info
about the series, is also a part of this Dick Van Dyke Show DVD-Video
bonanza too. The booklet also includes several photos of the cast and
crew (with some of the pictures being printed in color).

Note Re. Bonus Features --- Rest assured that every bonus item that can
be found on the five individual DVD season sets can also be located
within this "All Five Seasons" monster set as well. The discs in this
mega-collection are identical to those found in the individual sets.


Additional DVD info & specs concerning the Van Dyke Show Mega-Set:

VIDEO -- Full Frame (Original TV Aspect Ratio; 1.33:1).
AUDIO -- English Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono.


Pull out any of these 25 discs and you'll have some great television
entertainment. Via this amazing boxed set, a viewer has instant access
to all of Rob Petrie's inimitable physical comedy bits, along with
every one of Laura Petrie's "crying jags" (Mary Tyler Moore's sobbing
routines are hard to top).

And don't forget about all those "Buddy insults Mel" gags (which must
number in the hundreds over the course of the series) -- not to mention
Dick Van Dyke's uncanny ability to act out a "one-way telephone
conversation" (which always amazes me when I see him do this -- and
there are many such "telephone" moments during the series).

Just suffice it to say that I love this television series. Its humor is
timeless and everlasting. The characters seem "real" and "non-phony".
And the writing is remarkable. And you'll be able to see why when you
pop in any of these wonderfully-restored Digital Versatile Discs.

collection is, without fear of argument, a "complete treasure".



Coming up next here at "Dick Van Dyke Central" is my "Mega Episode
List" -- i.e., a look at all 158 Van Dyke Show programs (plus the
Pilot) that can be found at your digital fingertips within the gigantic
5-Season DVD collection put out in May 2005 by Image Entertainment,

I've laid out this Program Guide in the same order in which the
episodes are arranged on the 25 DVDs, which is a "Film Date" order
(instead of the "Air Date" chronology). The original CBS-TV air dates
have also been mentioned in my list below, plus I've added in some
selected program descriptions, anecdotes, and funny dialogue for many
of my favorite shows.

If you begin to suffer from a slight case of "Van Dyke Show Overload"
before you're able to finish reading the following tome/guide, I can
fully understand. In such a case, stop reading at once and then take
two walnuts from Laura's egg carton and wash them down with a glass of
air. You should feel better shortly. ~sheepish grin~


"Head Of The Family" (Pilot Episode) -- Starring Carl Reiner in the
role of Rob Petrie. Featuring Barbara Britton as Laura, Morty Gunty as
Buddy Sorrell, and Sylvia Miles as Sally Rogers.

"Head Of The Family" was filmed in early December of 1958, but it
didn't get its one and only network television airing until more than a
year-and-a-half later, when CBS aired it on Tuesday, July 19, 1960.



SEASON #1 (1961-1962):

1. The Sick Boy And The Sitter (First Aired: 10/3/61) .... The premiere
episode of the series does a fine job of introducing America to Rob and
Laura Petrie (and company). Young son Ritchie is a little under the
weather, and Laura senses that something bad is about to happen at home
when she reluctantly agrees to attend a party with Rob at Alan Brady's

The assorted talents of Dick Van Dyke, Morey Amsterdam, and Rose Marie
are put on display during the "party" scene at Alan's house. Mary Tyler
Moore's considerable dancing and comedic (and crying) talents, however,
aren't fully realized in this debut show; but those MTM traits shine
through nicely in the episodes soon to follow.

Ritchie Petrie (played by 5-year-old Larry Mathews) is given numerous
funny lines in this pilot program, and he's never cuter than in this
first episode of the series. .... "Do I feel hungry, mommy?"

2. The Meerschatz Pipe (11/28/61) .... "I sound this way because my
wife thinks I've got a cold."

3. Jealousy! (11/7/61) .... A first-rate episode, highlighting Laura's
insecurities when Rob has to work late at the office with a beautiful
female, "Valerie Blake", who is guest-starring on "The Alan Brady
Show". .... "You've been very busy blakely!"

4. Sally And The Lab Technician (10/17/61) .... "I can't remember when
I laughed that much. I found myself laughing out loud -- right out

5. Washington vs. The Bunny (10/24/61)

6. Oh How We Met The Night That We Danced (10/31/61) .... A great
flashback episode, the first of many such "Let's Go Back In Time"
shows, detailing how Rob and Laura first met while Rob was in the Army.

7. The Unwelcome House Guest (11/21/61)

8. Harrison B. Harding Of Camp Crowder, Mo. (11/6/61) .... One of my
all-time favorite episodes. When Harrison B. Harding drops by for a
visit, Rob can't seem to remember who this guy is. To his later
embarrassment, Rob calls the police on Mr. Harding after deciding
Harrison might be some kind of shady character. .... "Give me a napkin,
quick! -- Tomato juice in my ear."

Just after the hilarious "tomato juice in my ear" portion of this
episode, watch carefully as Rob ever-so-gently places the glass back
onto the exact same part of the wall where he had it previously. (It
must have left a 'ring', and Rob didn't want to create a second such
ring. LOL!)

9. My Blonde-Haired Brunette (10/10/61) .... This extremely-funny
episode has Laura deciding to dye her hair blonde in order to spice up
her marriage. But she soon regrets that decision. .... "I told you, I
never dyed before!" .... "And the GRAY HAIR!!" :)

10. Forty-Four Tickets (12/5/61) .... Rob's faulty memory causes him
some problems in this episode (44 problems to be precise). Watch for
Rob's/Dick's outstanding (and seemingly-effortless) head-over-heels
pratfall at the very beginning of this show.

11. To Tell Or Not To Tell (11/14/61) .... "Can I just say something?

12. Sally Is A Girl (12/19/61)

13. Empress Carlotta's Necklace (12/12/61) .... This episode is a
favorite of mine. It features just about everything that makes this TV
series so fabulous and timeless and charming -- e.g., great "natural"
humor brought out by life's ordinary occurrences, plus the
genuinely-heartfelt tenderness and love that exists between the two
main characters (Rob and Laura Petrie). We can really feel Laura's
sincerity in the scene where she apologizes to Rob for having suggested
giving the necklace to Rob's mom.

Gavin MacLeod puts in a very funny performance here as Mel Cooley's
jewelry-selling cousin, "Maxwell", who (like Mel) is bald as a cue
ball. .... "You see, Maxwell doesn't have any overhead." --> "Kind of
runs in the family, don't it?"

14. Buddy, Can You Spare A Job? (12/26/61)

15. Who Owes Who What? (1/24/62) .... "Here's a twenty. You owe me

16. Sol And The Sponsor (4/11/62) .... "You're both named Henry? That's

17. The Curious Thing About Women (1/10/62) .... A classic. A
first-class script, a curious female named Laura, and lots of very
funny moments. .... "Honey, did a package come for me?"

18. Punch Thy Neighbor (1/17/62) .... Another fave, with Jerry Paris
(as neighbor Jerry Helper) playing a major role here. Frank Adamo,
frequently seen in small bit parts throughout the series, pops up again
in this episode. He plays the "Singing-Telegram Messenger", and he gets
to read (sing) a very funny rhyming message sent to Rob by the
wisecracking Jerry. ....

"Robert Petrie wrote a show,
Supposed to be funny, ho-ho-ho;
Look how far this man has gotten,
Writing shows that are really rotten!"


19. Where Did I Come From? (1/3/62) .... Rob's physical humor is a
highlight of this flashback show. The "Perfectly-Placed Hat On The
Bedboard" scene is always worth a big laugh, no matter how many times
you've seen it. .... "Oh, I really need my pants today, Rob; I'm having
lunch with the sponsor."

20. The Boarder Incident (2/14/62)

21. A Word A Day (2/7/62)

22. The Talented Neighborhood (1/31/62) .... Watch for Rob's nifty
"tiger pajamas" in this show.

23. Father Of The Week (2/21/62)

24. The Twizzle (2/28/62)

25. One Angry Man (3/7/62) .... A proverbial "lone juror holdout"
episode. Rob, naturally, is the only juror voting "not guilty". The
scenes in the courtroom highlight this show. .... "What's the matter
with the way I ogled her?"

26. Where You Been, Fassbinder? (3/14/62)

27. The Bad Old Days (4/4/62) .... "Why don't you wash your hair?! You
disgust me!!"

28. I Am My Brother's Keeper (3/21/62) * .... Jerry Van Dyke makes his
first of several funny appearances as Rob's brother "Stacey".

29. The Sleeping Brother (3/28/62) *

30. The Return Of Happy Spangler (4/18/62) .... Season One concludes
with more first-rate physical humor from Dick Van Dyke. In
lesser-talented hands, Rob's "lecture on comedy" would not have been
nearly as funny. But Dick has that magic "something" that can turn a
scene that might otherwise be "ordinary" into pure comic gold.


SEASON #2 (1962-1963):

31. Never Name A Duck (9/26/62)

32. The Two Faces Of Rob (10/3/62) .... I love this particular episode.
Rob's telephone gag aimed at Laura backfires on him, and large
quantities of hilarity follow. .... "Like you said mommy, 'dolce far

33. Bank Book 6565696 (10/17/62) .... "A 378-dollar sports shirt?"

34. The Attempted Marriage (10/10/62)

35. Hustling The Hustler (10/24/62)

36. What's In A Middle Name? (11/7/62) .... Ritchie discovers why he's
been saddled with the middle name of "Rosebud". .... "If it's a boy,
'Ulysses David'; if it's a girl, 'Ulyssia Davida'!"

37. My Husband Is Not A Drunk (10/31/62) .... "Oh, Doctor Zorba! Just
because I disobeyed you, you didn't have to cut off all your hair!!"

38. Like A Sister (11/14/62)

39. The Night The Roof Fell In (11/21/62) .... Another flashback show,
featuring different versions of a rare fight between Rob and Laura.
..... "Why don't you fix yourself up?!"

40. The Secret Life Of Buddy And Sally (11/28/62) .... "I gotta no --
slike a ban -- anna." --> "Now say the whole thing." --> "I gotta nose
like a banana."

41. A Bird In The Head Hurts (12/5/62)

42. Gesundheit, Darling (12/12/62) .... Another extremely funny show
from the desk of creator Carl Reiner. Rob can't stop sneezing, and
Laura thinks SHE is the cause. Keep the rewind button handy when Rob
comes home after a sneeze-free day at the office, only to immediately
start sneezing after one kiss to Laura's cheek. ~Huge LOL Moment!~

43. A Man's Teeth Are Not His Own (12/19/62) .... Rob busts a tooth and
his dentist (Jerry Helper) is out of town. It's quite a dilemma for
poor Rob. One of the top highlights here is when Mel gives Rob some ice
water when Rob is in severe pain from his broken tooth. Rob's reaction
is worth at least one replay.

44. Somebody Has To Play Cleopatra (12/26/62) .... Bob Crane puts in a
humorous guest appearance. .... "Once I get the 'hemlet' on Rob." ....
"Harry!! GET IN THE CAR!!!"

45. The Cat Burglar (1/2/63) .... This episode features one of the very
best scenes in the whole series -- the scene where the musical jewelry
box seems to be hooked up to the bedroom door, with Rob quickly closing
the door as he looks around, wondering where in the world that music's
coming from. It's a brilliant comedy moment that demands multiple
instant replays every time this episode is cued up.

46. The Foul-Weather Girl (1/9/63)

47. Will You Two Be My Wife? (1/16/63)

48. Ray Murdock's X-Ray (1/23/63) .... This is one of my very favorite
shows in the series. Rob is interviewed on TV and reveals some
not-too-flattering details about wife Laura. .... "Rob, go to your

49. I Was A Teenage Head Writer (1/30/63)

50. My Husband Is A Check-Grabber (2/13/63) .... Time for some more
(funny) flashback sequences. This is yet another dandy episode that
makes this TV series so immeasurably "re-watchable". And we also get a
rare look at the Petrie's car.

51. It May Look Like A Walnut (2/6/63) .... A classic among classics
here, with Danny Thomas popping up in Rob and Laura's dreams as "Kolac"
from the planet "Twilo" (serving as a spoof and a tribute to the series
"The Twilight Zone"). Keep an eye on your thumbs.

52. Don't Trip Over That Mountain (2/20/63) .... Despite Laura's
warnings, "klutz" Rob goes skiing. Guess what happens?

53. Give Me Your Walls (2/27/63)

54. The Sam Pomerantz Scandals (3/6/63)

55. I'm No Henry Walden (3/27/63) .... Everett Sloane puts in a guest
appearance here. And watch for Carl Reiner, not as "Alan Brady", but as
"Yale Sampson", a mush-mouth intellectual who (as Rob puts it) has the
ability to say things that "seem vague, but are in
reality...meaningless". ~LOL~

56. The Square Triangle (3/20/63)

57. Racy Tracy Rattigan (4/3/63) .... Richard Dawson is "Racy Tracy", a
skirt-chasing British playboy who gets "such a kick out of seeing irate

58. Divorce (4/10/63) .... Buddy's wife, "Pickles", takes center stage
here. And she's a howl in this episode, too, as she tries to explain
who "Floyd B. Barriscale" and "Barton Nelson" are.

59. It's A Shame She Married Me (4/17/63) .... Robert Vaughn guest
stars as "Jim Darling", a former beau of Laura's. .... "Are you coming,
Cooley?" --> "Yes, Darling. Er, uh, I mean Jim!" :)

60. A Surprise Surprise Is A Surprise (4/24/63) .... Laura tries her
best to surprise Rob on his birthday -- and she does just that. Watch
this fun episode and find out how she manages it.

61. Jilting The Jilter (5/1/63)

62. When A Bowling Pin Talks, Listen (5/8/63) .... "There aren't too
many funny bits we can lift from 'The Telephone Hour'."

63. All About Eavesdropping (10/23/63) .... This episode actually aired
during the third season, but was filmed as the "head start" ep. at the
end of Season 2. "Eavesdropping" ranks as one of my all-time favorite
shows in the 5-year history of the series. The hysterical "On The
Street Where You Live" charades game is sure to put you on the floor.
..... "It was perfectly clear to me Gerald." .... "You mean you didn't
give 'em the house?" :)


SEASON #3 (1963-1964):

64. That's My Boy?? (9/25/63) .... The third season begins in fine
fashion, with another top-flight episode, which tells the story of what
happens when new father Rob Petrie's imagination starts working
overtime after bringing baby Ritchie home from a very hectic hospital.

65. The Masterpiece (10/2/63) .... This terrific episode features a
chipped "Artanis", a funny auction, Howard Morris as a kooky-acting art
expert, and "The Thing".

66. Laura's Little Lie (10/9/63) *

67. Very Old Shoes, Very Old Rice (10/16/63) * .... This two-parter
("Lie" and "Rice") serves as double the Van Dyke fun after we find out
why it is that Laura seems to be avoiding the insurance man.

68. Uncle George (11/13/63) .... Denver Pyle pops up as Rob's "Uncle
George". The standout parts of this show are the scenes with Herman
Glimsher's overbearing mother. .... "Rob's uncle wanted to meet some
nice lady." --> "We couldn't find any, so we invited your mother."

69. Too Many Stars (10/30/63)

70. Who And Where Was Antonio Stradivarius? (11/6/63) .... A crack over
the head with a violin sends Rob to Red Hook (in New Jersey) with a
case of amnesia. .... "I left my raisin cake in Red Hook!"

71. Big Max Calvada (11/20/63) .... A spoof on gangster movies is on
tap in this fun episode. Sheldon Leonard pokes some fun at himself when
he shows up in Rob's office as "Maxwell Calvada", a no-nonsense shady
character who wants a big favor from Rob's writing staff -- or else!
LOL. .... "Well, I'd call the police, but I don't know what to tell

72. The Ballad Of The Betty Lou (11/27/63) .... A day at sea for Rob
and Jerry turns out to be no day at the beach. .... "I don't know how
sheep stand each other in the rainy season."

73. Turtles, Ties And Toreadors (12/4/63) .... Rob hires a maid to help
out an overworked Laura. But there are a few problems, not the least of
which is the fact that one of her arms is in a sling! .... "Which arm?"
--> "Well, maybe she's left-handed even." :)

74. The Sound Of The Trumpets Of Conscience Falls Deafly
On A Brain That Holds Its Ears... (12/11/63)

75. The Third One From The Left (1/1/64)

76. The Alan Brady Show Presents (12/18/63) .... The one and only
Christmas-themed show in the entire series. .... "We all are fine
musicians; we practice every day..."

77. My Husband Is The Best One (1/8/64)

78. Happy Birthday And Too Many More (2/5/64) .... One of the very few
episodes that wasn't filmed in front of a live studio audience (the
Christmas show, filmed just two weeks earlier, is another). Canned
laughter is used here. The reason for that being: this "Happy Birthday"
episode was filmed on November 26, 1963, just one day after America
buried its assassinated President, John F. Kennedy.

79. The Lady And The Tiger And The Lawyer (1/15/64) .... "We always
have a little coffee and cake before dinner."

80. The Life And Love Of Joe Coogan (1/22/64) .... Rob bumps into an
old flame of Laura's on the golf course. It's another very solid entry
in the life of this series, with the epilogue scene rising to the level
of pure "brilliance", IMHO. The show's last line ("You lost him to a
better man"), spoken just perfectly by Rob/Dick, wraps up this episode
in impeccably-classy fashion.

81. A Nice, Friendly Game Of Cards (1/29/64) .... Yep, this is yet
another classic episode. Edward Platt guests as "Lou Gregory", who
accuses Rob of cheating during a "nice, friendly game of cards" at the
Petrie house. Funny stuff here. This is a rare episode that features no
"work" scenes filmed from the "writer's room". .... "That IS my new
'system' -- ante up, take two cards, and fold." ~grin~

82. The Brave And The Backache (2/12/64)

83. The Pen Is Mightier Than The Mouth (2/19/64) *

84. My Part-Time Wife (2/26/64) *

85. Honeymoons Are For The Lucky (3/4/64) .... Another flashback show,
revealing the details of Rob's unorthodox honeymoon.

86. How To Spank A Star (3/11/64)

87. The Plots Thicken (3/18/64) .... Rob and Laura become a "two-plot
family" in this delightful episode with an unusual "plot"-line (all
about cemetery plots, golf courses, several angry parents, and Buddy's
funny "Home Food Plan").

88. Scratch My Car And Die (3/25/64) .... Rob gets a new "Tarantula" (a
car, not the other icky thing) and can't seem to ever get a chance to
drive it himself. And when Laura scratches the "bug", Rob is fit to be
tied. .... "Oh, honey, I meant to remind ya -- don't park that car
under a tree, or a bird."

89. The Return Of Edwin Carp (4/1/64) .... "Oh, hot boiling drats,
mother wants her cocoa!"

90. October Eve (4/8/64) .... Is it okay to use the word "classic" yet
again? I hope so. Because it applies here. When an embarrassingly-"raw"
painting of Laura shows up in a popular art gallery, it causes
considerable grief for the painting's subject and her husband. ....
"You're not gonna have another {baby}, are ya?" --> "Oh Rob! Would
Sally call and tell ME that?!"

91. Dear Mrs. Petrie, Your Husband Is In Jail (4/15/64)

92. My Neighbor's Husband's Other Life (4/22/64) .... "Look, honey,
when a man is out on the town he doesn't go around telling girls he's
married -- forget what I said!"

93. I'd Rather Be Bald Than Have No Head At All (4/29/64) .... Rob
finds 28 hairs in the wash basin one morning and is convinced he's
going bald -- fast! .... "How did I get a head of lettuce?!" --> "Well,
if you use salad dressing, you can't expect to grow meat loaf!" :)

94. Teacher's Petrie (5/13/64)

95. My Two Show-Offs And Me (12/16/64)


SEASON #4 (1964-1965):

96. My Mother Can Beat Up My Father (9/23/64) .... The Season-Four
opener has Rob tangling with a stuffed monkey -- and losing the battle.

97. The Ghost Of A. Chantz (9/30/64) .... This spooky and hilarious
entry has Rob and the gang staying at a "haunted" cabin and having the
collective daylights scared out of them. .... "All that's missing now
is Vincent Price!"

98. The Lady And The Baby Sitter (10/7/64)

99. A Vigilante Ripped My Sports Coat (10/14/64)

100. The Man From 'Emperor' (10/21/64)

101. Romance, Roses And Rye Bread (10/28/64)

102. 4-And-A-Half (11/4/64) * .... Don Rickles puts in a very funny
appearance as "Lyle Francis Delp", a rather inept crook. .... "You mean
you've help up people in elevators before?" --> "No, I held 'em up in
front of a police station, dum-dum!" ~LOL~

103. The Alan Brady Show Goes To Jail (11/11/64) * .... "Is this the
underwear of a criminal?!!"

104. Three Letters From One Wife (11/18/64)

105. It Wouldn't Hurt Them To Give Us A Raise (12/2/64) .... "Did you
know that Alan Brady's mother-in-law pays the band?"

106. Pink Pills And Purple Parents (11/25/64) .... One of the best
shows from Season 4, as a few pink pills have Laura acting very
strangely when she meets Rob's parents for the first time. MTM was
never funnier. .... "One for moo-moo!" .... "Gonna have a little music,
moo-moo, oh yes!"

107. The Death Of The Party (12/9/64) .... Rob tries his best to hide
the fact he is sick the same night Laura is giving a dinner party. ....
"Al Jolson, the Jazz Singer!!"

108. Stretch Petrie vs. Kid Schenk (12/30/64)

109. The Impractical Joke (1/13/65) .... Buddy enlists a friend to play
a phone gag on Rob. In the days that follow, Buddy is worried sick that
a whopper of a joke is about to come his way in retaliation. A great
episode. .... "Now there may be a little dust on your 'loud-soft'."

110. Brother, Can You Spare $2500? (1/6/65) .... "Excuse me, is that
the 'Louie Wexler' water fountain?" --> "I don't know; but ANYBODY can
drink from it."

111. Stacey Petrie - Part 1 (1/20/65) *

112. Stacey Petrie - Part 2 (1/27/65) *

113. The Redcoats Are Coming (2/10/65) .... A very rare "time-stamped"
type of episode, as the Van Dyke Show writers cash in on the '60s
"Beatles" craze. .... This show also includes an odd line in the script
for Buddy (Morey), when he claims to have been a teenager when Frank
Sinatra was in his height of "teen idol" status. Only problem there is:
Buddy/(Morey) is seven years OLDER than Mr. Sinatra. Oh, well. ....
BTW, don't forget the password ("Paul Revere").

114. Boy #1, Boy #2 (2/3/65)

115. The Case Of The Pillow (2/17/65) .... Ed Begley appears as a court
judge in this extremely-funny episode. Rob gets to play a variation of
"Perry Mason" here, too, which adds to the hilarity. .... "It's not
your fault, Mr. Petrie. It's television. You think you're a lawyer; I
think I'm a doctor."

116. Young Man With A Shoehorn (2/24/65) .... "I'd like to try them a
half-a-size smaller." --> "Smaller?" --> "Smaller."

117. Girls Will Be Boys (3/3/65)

118. Bupkis (3/10/65) .... Watch for the "phone book goof" made by
Rob/Dick, when he dials a phone number BEFORE looking it up in the
book. ;)

119. Your Home Sweet Home Is My Home (3/17/65) .... That great-big rock
in Rob's basement is causing a few problems in this flashback program.
..... "There's plenty of room for a pool table right over here" --> "Oh
sure, if we use chopsticks for cues."

120. Anthony Stone (3/24/65) .... Sally's dating a mortician, and she's
not exactly dying to tell any of her friends. .... "It was nice meeting
you." --> "Of course." --> "Of course??"

121. Never Bathe On Saturday (3/31/65) .... This very memorable ep.
centers around Laura's toe. Many moments in this program are worthy of
multiple (and immediate) replays. .... "Don't toy with me, you saucy
wench." .... "She gets stuck in the bathroom, he paints on mustaches;
they're a great match."

122. One Hundred Terrible Hours (5/5/65)

123. Show Of Hands (4/14/65) .... "Nothing goes over worse at a formal
dinner than the smell of sweaty bunny fur." ~LOL!~

124. Baby Fat (4/21/65)

125. Br-rooom, Br-rooom (5/12/65) .... "Robby Baby's" new "Geronimo"
motorcycle causes nothing but trouble in this episode.

126. There's No Sale Like Wholesale (5/26/65) .... Rob wants to get
Laura a mink coat. Buddy tries to help via one of his "wholesale bits".
Things go downhill from there.

127. A Farewell To Writing (9/22/65)


SEASON #5 (1965-1966):

128. Coast-To-Coast Big Mouth (9/15/65) .... The final year of "The
Dick Van Dyke Show" begins with "Big Mouth" (aka Laura Petrie). Laura
tells a doozy of a secret about Alan Brady on a live TV game show. ....
"If you want to see ruins, why don't you go to Greece!?" .... "Your

129. Uhny Uftz (9/29/65) .... Rob says he saw a flying saucer while
working late one night? Is he ready for the funny farm? .... "Just you
and Hugo, huh?"

130. The Ugliest Dog In The World (10/6/65) .... "Has he been eating

131. No Rice At My Wedding (10/13/65) .... "If you're not back by the
time the convicts grab the priest, you can forget about me." ....
"Well, what's the difference? Rain? Rob? They're both big drips!"

132. Draw Me A Pear (10/20/65)

133. The Great Petrie Fortune (10/27/65)

134. Odd But True (11/3/65) .... Is Rob's back REALLY worth all of this
fuss and freckle-connecting? Millie certainly thinks so. .... "I have
dozens of freckled bells in my files. It was the 'crack' that was the
interesting feature."

135. Viva Petrie (11/10/65)

136. Go Tell The Birds And The Bees (11/17/65) .... "Girls come in pink

137. Body And Sol (11/24/65)

138. See Rob Write, Write Rob Write (12/8/65)

139. You're Under Arrest (12/15/65) .... "You slept through 'The Guns
Of Navarone'?"

140. Fifty-Two, Forty-Five Or Work (12/29/65)

141. Who Stole My Watch? (1/5/66) .... Rob's brand-new watch is
missing. Was it stolen -- by a friend? .... "Why you vicious little

142. Bad Reception In Albany (3/9/66) .... "Oh, honey, I know you're
upset." --> "I never could fool you, could I?"

143. I Do Not Choose To Run (1/19/66) *

144. The Making Of A Councilman (1/26/66) * .... "Well, with all due
respect to your son's gingerbread house, there's an easterly
low-pressure area leading a cold front over Ohio, and that should reach
here by this afternoon." --> "What does that mean?" --> "Rain."

145. The Curse Of The Petrie People (2/2/66) .... An ugly brooch causes
quite a bit of misery for the Petries after Laura accidentally grinds
the thing up in the garbage disposal. .... "What's a 'Petrie'?"

146. The Bottom Of Mel Cooley's Heart (2/9/66)

147. Remember The Alimony (2/16/66)

148. Dear Sally Rogers (2/23/66)

149. Buddy Sorrell, Man And Boy (3/2/66)

150. Long Night's Journey Into Day (5/11/66) .... "Rob, I'm worried
about you, up there all alone, with that hat."

151. Talk To The Snail (3/23/66)

152. A Day In The Life Of Alan Brady (4/6/66)

153. Obnoxious, Offensive Egomaniac Etc. (4/13/66)

154. The Man From My Uncle (4/20/66) .... Godfrey Cambridge guests as
FBI agent "Harry Bond" (a "marksman"!). A highlight is when Rob starts
to fiddle around with all of Bond's equipment. .... "Banana?" ....
"They can see me from Denver!"

155. You Ought To Be In Pictures (4/27/66)

156. Love Thy Other Neighbor (5/4/66)

157. The Last Chapter (6/1/66) **

158. The Gunslinger (5/25/66) .... The last episode to be filmed, "The
Gunslinger" offers up lots of fun within a "western spoof" script. ....
"I was a singer, turned slinger, turned rancher, turned dancer, turned
parson, turned sheriff."

* = Indicates a 2-part episode.

** = For continuity reasons, "The Last Chapter" is presented as the
final episode on the last disc of the "Complete Series" boxed set.





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