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Re: Why is Blu-ray the way ahead..

Posted by JoeBloe on 12/28/06 02:03

On 27 Dec 2006 12:03:31 -0800, "Goro" <> Gave us:

>GMAN wrote:
>> In article <>, "Joshua Zyber" <> wrote:
>> >"GMAN" <> wrote in message
>> >news:emjkqq$5ju$
>> >>>> Umm...okay, I must have hallucinated that preview Disney stuck onto
>> >>>> their "Cars" and "Pirates 2" DVD.
>> >>>
>> >>>What do previews have to do with whether consumers buy blu-ray for
>> >>>their
>> >>>kids? Nothing.
>> >>>
>> >> Other than the fact that you will not see those titles for HD-DVD.
>> >
>> >Please explain to me how your answer has anything to do with the
>> >question that was asked in the preceeding sentence.
>> >
>> >
>> Parents buy Disney for their kids, Disney backs blu ray, Parents will buy Blu
>> Ray cause it has Disney movies that kids want. They will not buy HD-DVD
>> because there will be no Disney HD-DVD.
>B/c 7yo kids are so discerning about video quality.
>"Wah. Mommy, Little Mermaid isn't in 1080p!!! Go buy a BluRay

Yeah... he really has his finger on that pulse, eh?




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