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MI5 Persecution: Security Service Tribunal Denies

Posted by MI5Victim on 01/08/07 10:58

Security Service Tribunal Denies

In June 1997 the Security Service Tribunal wrote to me regarding the complaint I had brought against MI5 in February. They say,

The Security Service Tribunal have now investigated your complaint and
have asked me to inform you that no determination in your favour has
been made on your complaint.

Again, I do not believe their denials. I think MI5 *has* taken the action against me as described, and is refusing
to admit what they have done. To the best of my knowledge, the Security Service Tribunal has *never* found in favour
of a complainant. This tends to strongly suggest that MI5 lies on a routine basis, and the Tribunal can't fulfil its
functions in the face of Security Service falsehoods.




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