Posted by Alex Grossberg on 12/31/05 05:37
Nick, you are seriously ill and need urgent medical attention. Consult your
therapist for appropriate meds to lessen effects of paranoia and anti-social
disorder. Ignore Nazi/Arab propaganda and start reading mainstream
publications. I hope your condition will improve in 2006. Wish you a happy
and healthy New Year.
<nikool19a@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> As are you, Brandon and www.ChezBrandon.com are intelligent and
> awesome. May you have an awesome day.
> A succinct warning: Elements of the Mossad, sated with cash from the
> murderous and destructive narcotics trade -- for example, according to
> Reader's Digest, cocaine alone costs US businesses, and stockholders
> and employees, $30+ billion per year (!) -- are using some medical,
> pharmacy, and food service workers to murder men, women, and children,
> something Adolph Hitler or Ted Bundy would do. (A certain tasteless
> acid, for instance, causes cancer.) Victor Ostrovsky's books By Way
> of Deception (a #1 The New York Times best-seller) and The Other Side
> of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda offers
> elucidation -- such as the Mossad's attempted murder of President
> George Bush, its complicity in the murders of hundreds of US Citizens
> and Marines, its recruitment of medical workers, and its
> narcotics-dealing and very deceptive ways -- as does James Ennes, Jr.'s
> Assault on the Liberty, which details the attack on the USS Liberty, an
> attack which caused the deaths of 34 US Citizens and Navy Personnel
> (the following is a concise summary of the book), as does the following
> Daily News article:
> www.dailynews.lk/2005/03/01/fea10.html
> While many believe so, I do not know if elements of the Mossad were
> responsible for, or partly complicit in, the terrorist attacks of 9/11,
> attacks which caused the deaths of thousands of men, women, and
> children, stole billions upon billions of dollars of hard-earned money
> from pensioners and business people, destroyed companies, caused many
> individuals to go to bed hungry at night, and ended up costing,
> world-wide, hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of dollars, but the
> information at www.reopen911.org , which was aired on such programs as
> Fox News and MSNBC and printed in Business Week and The New York Times,
> raises pointed questions.
> Regarding the narcotics trade, President of the International Narcotics
> Control Board, Philip Emafo, put it excellently when he stated: "Drug
> trafficking does not contribute to economic growth and prosperity
> [rather it] destabilizes the state, the economy, and civil society
> apart from the damage to long-term economic development." On top of
> this, elements of the Mossad have decided to become
> serial-killers/terrorists and murder men, women, and children.
> Sincerely,
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