Posted by Dave Balderstone on 02/24/07 23:26
In article <michelle-AC9865.15165124022007@news.east.cox.net>, Michelle
Steiner <michelle@michelle.org> wrote:
> In article <0001HW.C205E8590000F3C242C02770@news.sf.sbcglobal.net>,
> Eric P. <ericpNOSPAM06@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> > > What part of the Constitution prevents monopolies?
> >
> > Is it not in there? If not, well...there are laws that handle it.
> > Been a long time since civics class ;)
> Yes, it is not there. For that matter, there aren't any laws that
> prevent monopolies; there are laws that address "unfair competition",
> though.
I'm not in the US, but that's my understanding and I believe the same
principle applies here in Canada. A monopoly in itself isn't a bad
thing. Acting unfairly or illegally to establish or maintain a monopoly
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