Posted by asjbiotek on 03/20/07 05:28
On Mar 19, 7:29 pm, "Total Annihiliation" <head...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> http://www.tech.co.uk/home-entertainment/high-definition/news/toshiba...
> Moves to dispel anti-HD DVD 'propaganda'
> Rob Mead
> 19 Mar 2007 08:35
> Toshiba has rejected claims made yesterday at a Blu-ray press
> conference at CeBIT that its own HD DVD format is failing. Olivier Van
> Wynendaele, Deputy General manager of HD DVD at Toshiba Ltd said the
> claims were "propaganda" and then proceeded to dispute them point by
> point in a call to tech.co.uk
what did you think they would do? just cry uncle?
which is why you look at the numbers and just relegate everything else
to propaganda....
here's the latest numbers for you...
For the week of March 11, before the release of CR, it looks like Blu-
ray outsold Hd-DVd by 4:1 in NA....
Let's see Toshiba put some spin on THAT....
And let's see what happens the next week, when CR released, and you
might actually see Blu-ray outselling HD-DVD for the week by ratios of
6:1 or more....
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