Posted by webpa on 05/22/07 23:33
On May 22, 7:29 am, "Krazy Kanuck" <limb...@removethisaccesscomm.ca>
> Hi....I recently did a shoot of belly dancers on stage under sometimes lower
> light and sometimes with bright spotlights.....I had my camera set in the
> auto-focus mode but with exposure set in the spotlight mode......The
> exposure was fine but I, of course noticed that there were times when the
> focus was "searching" a lot.....I would have gone manual focus, but I felt
> that I had my hands full just following the action as tight as I could, let
> alone be trying to adjust the focus all the time....
> What's the general consensus on this?(yeah like there'd be consensus<G>)
> Should I have used manual focus?
> Len
> --
> ....Order the "Accordion Evolution" documentary of the Las Vegas
> International Accordion Convention from my website:http://users.accesscomm.ca/limbery/
> ...Del Sur Al Norte...Regina Sk. Canada Latin and South American Folk dance
> band:www.DelSurAlNorte.info
My guesses for the "consensus" are:
1. If you're using auto-focus you don't really care if it is in focus
or not.
2. If your camera even *has* "auto-focus", then it doesn't matter
But I could be wrong.
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