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Re: mp3tag - Generate a titel

Posted by Michael Ahrens on 05/27/07 06:23

NRen2k5 schrieb:
> Michael Ahrens wrote:
>> Hi,
>> okay, mp3tag seems to be very helpful.
>> But unfortunately I did not find a way to generate a titel:
>> There are about 20 files.
>> I would like to add a titel "%titel% - %#% / 20".
>> "%#%" means that the first file gets no. 01, the second one no. 02,
>> the third no. 03 ...
>> Is there any possibility to generate such a titel in mp3tag ?
>> Thanx! Michael.
> Yes. It's %title%
Hm ? How do I generate the correct no.?
The title should contain: "bookname - %track% / 20"

Thanx for your help. Michael.



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