Posted by Derek Janssen on 06/17/07 23:32
asjbiotek@gmail.com wrote:
> Derek Janssen wrote:
>> Well, let's hope we have more satisfied customers:
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gQG4OFgrpA
> What r u? Welded to the newsgroups?
Nahh, just thought that YouTube bit was too freakin' funny. :)
(Hopefully, by the time October FIN..A...LL...Y.... rolls around, the
industry-sponsored mandate kicks in, and we have Sony and Phillips
players that actually *work*, we'll all have to take a look at the whole
Liar's Dice issue again afresh--
Of course, by that time, Sony will have already slashed their hardware
prices to Toshiba-level, so the "I payed $999 for a f***in' SPINNING
KEY??" jokes obviously won't apply.)
Derek Janssen
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