Posted by def456 on 06/22/07 12:59
"Spurious Response" <SpuriousResponse@cleansignal.org> wrote in message
> On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 00:53:54 GMT, "def456" <def456@none.none> wrote:
>>"Dragon" <davewhitnospam@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
>>> Is there an english dub release of this film on dvd guys or was it only
>>> ever done in mayan
>>Then who would dub the dubbers? :)
>>I can't understand a lot of the films in English, especially those with an
>>underspoken British brogue, or even some older US films with poor sound
>>quality. Subtitles to the rescue here too.
> I think that I have drank beer at a few English Dubs in my time...
I used to, too, but got away from the bitter brew...
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