Posted by JAS on 08/27/05 03:58
"JAS" <jasmine@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>I just discovered on the DVD "the Corporation" this unsuccessful (unlike
>2000 and perhaps 2004) coup attempt that was eliminated from US History -
>any ideas on its authenticity?
> Morgan-British Fascist Coup Against FDR
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> by Lonnie Wolfe
> It is the winter of 1932-33. The world is in the grips of the worst
> economic depression of the century. In Germany, in January 1933, a cabal
> of
coup plotters back in 1933. To accomplish this, we
> must, as LaRouche calls for, rally the forces to rebuild the Democratic
> Party in the image of the party of FDR.
It is the LaRouche part that I'm questioning.
another link: http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/Coup.htm
and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Smedley_Butler\
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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