Posted by 6forPizza on 07/26/07 03:22
In <pvsfa3dkikcphn5calbdvfsqn7q7qo3pnj@4ax.com> Spurious Response <SpuriousResponse@cleansignal.org> writes:
>On Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:36:24 -0500, Lloyd Parsons <lloydparsons@mac.com>
>>> Golf is a fucking joke. Take ANY one shot, do it 100 times, and see
>>> how bad your stats really are.
>>Take your fat ass out to the course sometime. I'll add golf to the list
>>of things you know little about but are willing to try to impart wisdom
> I wasn't talking about put shots, dumbfuck. Any idiot can tap a ball
>with a putter fairly consistently.
> You couldn't take 100 tee shots and get consistent results very easily
>(even Tiger cannot). The game has little skill, and lots of chaos and
>dumb luck involved.
> Billiards, however, is a precision game. I can perform three rail banks
>to the side pocket quite consistently, and banking from an end rail to
>the side pocket is NOT an easy shot. It is one of the hardest in the
Billiards is for beer swilling rednecks. Anyone can look good on a 5ft
table. Try playing on a snooker table. That takes real skill.
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