Posted by Larry in AZ on 08/01/07 22:33
Waiving the right to remain silent, Blas <blasaudioprod@yahoo.com> said:
> On Aug 1, 12:59 pm, Larry in AZ <usen...@DE.LETE.THISljvideo.com>
> wrote:
>> Waiving the right to remain silent, Blas <blasaudiop...@yahoo.com>
>> said:
>> > Larry my good man, a cold beer awaits you should you past thru the
>> > St. louis area. You have given me the info I was in search of!
>> > Bingo...Thanks! Since I have a local supply place that enjoys making
>> > whatever I throw at 'em, I'm gonna have them make me a breakaway that
>> > covers alot of bases. The ole' one size fits all type of cable. So
>> > is there ANYTHING else I should consider before I toss this at 'em?
>> Perhaps you could explain why you need these breakaway cables..?
>> We've all been happily shooting for many years without them, thousands
>> of us...
>> --
>> Larry Jandro
>> Video Engineering & Equipment Rentals
>> Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
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> So what type of set-up does your audio guy use? How does he feed you?
In the case of ENG shooting, audio will come from the mixer via XLR, and
the camera's will return audio to the audio guy via the camera's monitor
output. This is typically done profesisonally in a snake made for that
purpose. There are no breakaway connections used.
Like this: http://tinyurl.com/268m2u
Larry Jandro
Video Engineering & Equipment Rentals
Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
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