Posted by tonsofpcs on 08/07/07 17:07
On Aug 7, 7:43 am, Ty Ford <tyreef...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Aug 2007 11:59:40 -0400, tonsofpcs wrote
> (in article <1186415980.611796.133...@b79g2000hse.googlegroups.com>):
> > On Aug 3, 3:23 am, Larry in AZ <usen...@DE.LETE.THISljvideo.com>
> > wrote:
> >> Now, I know what you're meaning by "breakaway." My original conception was
> >> something that safely pulled out if the cable was stepped on or tugged.
> > I don't know about the rest of the folks here but I don't see a
> > breakaway as such as a good thing. If someone steps on your cable,
> > you lose audio?!!? It is probably best to just have a lot of extra
> > slack on the cable and have it running in a way/place that no one
> > should be stepping on it.
> You don't know what a breakaway cable is then. it's VERY helpful.
I do, but do note that what I was responding to.
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