Posted by Bill Fright on 08/09/07 21:36
Spex wrote:
> nappy wrote:
>> "Bill" <trash@chromehorse.net> wrote in message
>> news:h_GdnaSnfNLI7ybbnZ2dnUVZ_vrinZ2d@golden.net...
>>> Your character is quite clear in the nature of your reply. Enjoy
>>> your own personal history of the world, nappy. Out of consideration
>>> for the newsgroup, I'll drop the thread, but feel free to continue
>>> enlightening us if you want to.
>> yes.. I thought that list of Dem quotes might shut you up..
>> It always comes in so fucking handy! I just keep it on my desktop for
>> handy access when dealing with the brainwashed minions.
> Cue tumbleweeds
> http://www.newamericancentury.org/
> There was never any excuse for attacking Iraq. Saddam was a evil
> bastard so are the Saudis why attack one and not the other. North Korea
> actually do have weapons of mass destruction but were not attacked, why?
> Israel is a so called democracy but it acts like the most evil of pariah
> states. If it were not so closely aligned to the US is would have been
> outcast as a rogue state of the ilk of the worst of the former Soviet
> states.
> The PNAC is dead in the water because even the most blinkered north
> american idiot has begun to see through the spin and downright lies
> spewed forth by the Bush regime.
> The Bliar (sic)/Bush pact has only succeeded in killing many hundreds of
> thousands of innocent people (750,00 is a conservative estimate), made
> the whole world a far more dangerous place and stirred up a shit-storm
> in Iraq that is slowly simmering until the Americans and British leave
> when it will boil over into a bloodbath not seen in any other conflict
> in living memory. The evidence is already there to see as when given
> half a chance the Iraqi Army divides on ethnic and religious lines and
> does not give a shit about the rule of law or "democratic" government.
> Democracy? Nah try middle ages feudal system.
> The New World Order will be the cancer that is the increase in Islamic
> fundamentalism whipped up by these ill-conceived plans of a handful of
> religious crackheads for their own self interest. Not the PNAC that
> Bush senior was meaning when he coined the phrase.
> I'd say it's all going marvelously well don't you?
> Oh, have we talked about Afghanistan yet? Anyone fancy a holiday in
> Helmand Province? I hear it is lovely this time of year...
Thank you for making the time Spex. I get exhausted when people use
phrases like the following. I thought I'd reply a little too.
And "Bill" probably paid good money to get brainwashed
in college by tenured, wasted, leftist, hippie professors.
An even more insidious (not to mention destructive)
scam than what "Bill" is moaning about.
ME .02
Man, it must suck if someone gets tenured. Usually it means this person
is an outstanding instructor/researcher. Since when is leftest a bad
thing? Is rightest a bad thing too? Hippie? Oh please! Does a college
instructor need to have a crew cut to be viable? In Crowley's world
everyone should look like Adolf Hitler!!!
There are plenty of Americans, including the ENTIRE CONGRESS save 1 or
2, who understood why Iraq had to be taken down. Just because you are
too stupid to understand it doesn't mean shit.
Nappy needs to read his history. Bush/Cheney were all actively lying to
Congress and the press at every opportunity on the path to war. The
majority of Congress did not read the proposal to go to war. More
importantly you have your facts wrong and you feel comfortable telling
someone that they are stupid!!!
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