Posted by Tarkus on 09/12/07 17:46
TH wrote:
> On Sep 11, 7:22 pm, Tarkus <karnev...@atlantabraves.net> wrote:
>> If people judged Netflix based on value instead of some perceived
>> perfection in their head, they'd be far less critical. It speaks
>> volumes that for all the bitching people do about Netflix, they never
>> seem to find anyone else who gives them a better value.
> here we go, the same ridiculous sticking up for a service that lies.
> What "perception?" The perception is created by Netflix when they
> claim you can rent as many DVDs as you want. Then they do not allow
> this to happen. Then when people complain that they're lying about the
> "service" they offer, people you actually side with the sleazy, lying
> service. It's baffling to me. I guess it takes all kinds.
> I swear, if a company came along with the "we will not throttle, we
> will send a disk out as soon as you send one in. We will not lie to
> you or wait a few days to send out your next disk" slogan, they would
> blow Netflix out of the water. When Netflix goes under, that will be a
> great day. Thanks.
You're missing the point entirely. The point is not whether or not they
lie (and if they do, why don't you start a class action suit?). The
point is whether or not it's a good value. And whether or not there is
a better value out there.
Virtually every company embellishes their product and their service, so
smart consumers ignore that bullshit and judge the company on what they
actually deliver.
That said, if you think it's poor value or there's better value out
there, by all means give Netflix the boot. I'm not a Netflix apologist.
I'm just trying to insert some logic into a mostly emotional discussion.
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