Posted by Gilgamesh on 01/22/06 06:42
"teem" <sturg57@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> It's about time.
No actually that was the other time travel show
It's about time, it's about space,
About two men in the strangest place.
It's about time, it's about flight -
Traveling faster than the speed of light.
This is the tale of the brave crew
As through the barrier of time they flew.
Past a fighting minuteman,
Past an armored knight,
Past a Roman warrior,
To this ancient site.
It's about caves,cavemen too,
About a time when the earth was new.
Wait'll they see what is in sight!
Is it good luck or is it good night?
It's about two astronauts, it's about their fate,
It's about a woman and her prehistoric mate.
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