Posted by Lloyd Parsons on 09/19/07 20:29
In article <MAfIi.15045$No2.2111@trndny07>,
Derek Janssen <ejanss1@nospam.verizon.net> wrote:
> > Sony BDP-S300 BD player. This is my last Sony purchase. This player
> > spec'd out TrueHD on page 48 of the owner's manual, but it doesn't
> > decode it and it appears no firmware upgrade to implement it is gonna
> > happen. This in spite of the fact the board is the same as in the S1.
> Believe me, a few months with Blu-Boy, and a PS3 was the LAST thing on
> this good green earth I was interested in getting as a player... >_<
> But FWIH, you're not the only one who threw Sony out with the bathwater
> over the first/second-gen S300 mistake--
> Me, I was keeping an eye on Samsung, but after their hoped-for third-gen
> hadn't gotten their Profile yet, I had to face the tech-player advice
> that the PS3 really *was* the only good current '07 Sony standalone out
> there for firmware upgrade ability.
> ...Yeah, I know, galls the heck outta me too, but customer reviews don't
> lie.
> Derek Janssen (and one word...So help me, ONE WORD out of a.g.v.sp3...) >:(
> ejanss@comcast.net
But Sony is damn mum about how far they will go to upgrade the PS3.
There is no assurance it will happen. FWIW, I think it will be.
So I'll just wait a bit before buying any new BD player.
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