Posted by Miss Rita on 09/21/07 23:21
On Sep 20, 12:23 pm, "Mike Epper" <tm...@socal.rr.com> wrote:
> Thought this was going to be about an aging female adult movie actress with
> the last name Alexandre.
BUA Ha Ha Ha Ha.
> "Fred Goodwin, CMA" <fgood...@yahoo.com> wrote in messagenews:1190301733.469661.274520@d55g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...
> > Former 'Beaver' Star Sues Over Unpaid Royalties
> > <http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/09/18/
> > AR2007091802458.html>
> >http://tinyurl.com/2d5oqo
> > By Leslie Simmons
> > Reuters
> > Tuesday, September 18, 2007; 11:53 PM
> > LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Ken Osmond, who played the
> > troublemaking Eddie Haskell on TV's "Leave It to Beaver," has filed a
> > multi-million-dollar lawsuit seeking unpaid royalties from the Screen
> > Actors Guild.
> > Osmond, 64, a retired Los Angeles police officer, claims the union has
> > collected more than $8 million in foreign residuals on behalf of its
> > members and nonmembers but has not passed on the profits.
> > Osmond filed the suit on Tuesday in Los Angeles Superior Court as a
> > proposed class-action case. If approved, it would allow others in
> > similar situations to participate in the litigation.
> > "SAG has intentionally collected and took possession of specifically
> > identifiable amounts of monies belonging to Osmond and members of the
> > class," the suit states. "Further, defendants have held these monies
> > in their sole possession for an unreasonably long period of time,
> > thereby preventing Osmond and the class members access to monies that
> > are rightfully theirs."
> > In June, SAG allegedly "stonewalled" Osmond and his requests to audit
> > its books and explain how it collects and pays out foreign residuals.
> > "We have not received a copy of the complaint and have no further
> > comment," said SAG's general counsel, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland.
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