Posted by ChairmanOfTheBored on 09/23/07 09:15
On Fri, 21 Sep 2007 07:04:02 -0700, ninphan <sjburke73@hotmail.com>
>On Sep 20, 5:32 pm, Lloyd Parsons <lloydpars...@mac.com> wrote:
>> In article <1190320783.833702.316...@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com>,
>> ninphan <sjburk...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > On Sep 19, 4:45 pm, Derek Janssen <ejan...@nospam.verizon.net> wrote:
>> > > Lloyd Parsons wrote:
>> > > >>Believe me, a few months with Blu-Boy, and a PS3 was the LAST thing on
>> > > >>this good green earth I was interested in getting as a player... >_<
>> > > >>But FWIH, you're not the only one who threw Sony out with the bathwater
>> > > >>over the first/second-gen S300 mistake--
>> > > >>Me, I was keeping an eye on Samsung, but after their hoped-for third-gen
>> > > >>hadn't gotten their Profile yet, I had to face the tech-player advice
>> > > >>that the PS3 really *was* the only good current '07 Sony standalone out
>> > > >>there for firmware upgrade ability.
>> > > > But Sony is damn mum about how far they will go to upgrade the PS3.
>> > > > There is no assurance it will happen. FWIW, I think it will be.
>> > > > So I'll just wait a bit before buying any new BD player.
>> > > Not as mum as Sharp is about specs on their mysterious Q4 Aquos player--
>> > > Which's why I'm also keeping an eye on the "third player" before
>> > > *officially* going PS3...After CES'08 at the earliest.
>> > > (To bring us back to topic.)
>> > > But the issue on PS3 was over whether the chips COULD upgrade to
>> > > firmware updates, which seems to have been the stumbling block so far
>> > > with the S300 and other early standalones--
>> > > The chips on the home-theater models proved to be so unadaptable to
>> > > other uses, they haven't responded well to upgrades as well as the
>> > > all-purpose models.
>> > > (And y'see, here we're back to that little "It'll still work tomorrow"
>> > > thing that frustrates the "Already available" HD fans who can't
>> > > understand why Blu fans have patience about "what isn't out yet":
>> > > Always have to buy your clothes with growing room.)
>> > > Derek Janssen
>> > > eja...@comcast.net
>> > Blu-ray fans probably have patience because they don't care about PIP
>> > getting in the way of watching the main movie.
>> > It's all about picture quality and the Blu-ray players have it and the
>> > HD DVD players with the exception of the XA2 do not.
>> > 1080p/24 on a set that accepts and displays at either 72Hz or 120Hz is
>> > always going to be a more accurate picture than a 1080i/60 source.
>> > Just look at Gary Merson's numerous tests done on sets with that input
>> > signal - disastrous, over 50% failure on deinterlacing and worse on
>> > 3:2 pulldown on 1080i/60 sources like the A2.
>> Fanboi PQ bullshit is the best way to describe your post about the PQ of
>> a BD over HDDVD player. I have both and neither are better than the
>> other for PQ and AQ. Virtually every consumer review has said that very
>> same thing.
>> And I guess PIP isn't important when you don't have it. But you can bet
>> your ass that the first 1.1 player will be touting it to the roof and
>> all you fanbois will be lining up to brag about it.
>> > I keep hearing a lot about price and Toshiba has had players at the
>> > $200 mark often this year, yet HD DVD still cannot win a single week's
>> > worth of sales, not one week, this whole entire year!!! It's Q4 in 10
>> > days and HD DVD looks like HD DUD I'm afraid. Call it fanboyism if you
>> > wish, I call it reality. I call it a desire to see an end to the war
>> > with the best format on the market and that is Blu-ray.
>> With the huge number of BD players out there, BD movies should be
>> selling at 4:1 or more, yet they can't even quite get to 2:1.
>> > I also keep hearing a lot about how HD DVD has a finished spec, yet
>> > now I hear a lot about HD51 discs! I guess the spec isn't finished at
>> > all is it?
>> The spec is finished, HD51 is about the next spec. Frankly other than
>> bragging rights, I can't figure out why they want it at all.
>> > Sharp have released their specs. It supports TrueHD decoding,
>> > bitstream audio out through HDMI of DTS-HD Master Audio, Dolby TrueHD,
>> > DTS-HD, Dolby Digital Plus and is profile 1.0 compliant as it is being
>> > released before October 31st, 2007. Their all in one BD-MPC70 Blu-ray
>> > Home Cinema System is a different story. It will be released in Spring
>> > 2008 and will be at least profile 1.1 compliant, much like the
>> > upcoming Denon DVD-3800BD player.
>> > As for Blu-ray players starting at $500 for this Christmas...where do
>> > people come up with this crap? Do they not bother researching before
>> > typing?
>> > The new Samsung BD-P1400 with DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD
>> > support through HDMI bitstream 1.3a and 1080p/24 output is $429.90
>> > The BDP-S300 is $439
>> When posting general pricing, MSRP is almost always used as special
>> deals come and go.
>> But let's assume you are correct and those prices hold up. Then they
>> are more than twice as high as the expected price of HDDVD entry
>> machines.
>> > This is with another three months to go before the holidays! Prices
>> > will not be a factor when people bother to look at what's
>> > available...and they will. Fox, Disney and Sony will all have either
>> > endcaps or big signs in stores with Die Hard 4, Silver Surfer, Spider-
>> > man 3, Ratatouille and Pirates of the Caribbean 3 all being solely
>> > available on Blu-ray and Warner will have similar cutouts to the ones
>> > they had for "300" where both HD DVD and Blu-ray are prominently
>> > advertised. Transformers and Bourne just won't cut it against all this
>> > exposure people will be getting to Blu-ray.
>> Assuming Fox actually does release this time, and that certainly is not
>> a given.
>> > Aside from that, this Christmas is when J6P will be picking up an
>> > HDTV, not picking up a high definition player.
>> You hope... :-)- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -
>Sorry Lloyd but it's not fanboi PQ bullshit and if you read the links
>I posted you know that. If you don't know who Gary Merson is, google
>him quickly before you embarrass yourself some more.
>3:2 pulldown and deinterlacing are not fanboi myths, they are
>realities. If you want to spend a few thousand dollars on an external
>scaler then go ahead, or you can read results and find out if your set
>deinterlaces properly and performs a proper cadence, other wise you
>are just flat out lying when you suggest a 1080i player is as good for
>PQ as a 1080p/24 player on the average 1080p television, because the
>test results clearly show that it IS NOT.
The 120Hz displays hitting the market changes all of that CRAP.
24 X 5 = 120.
Bye bye argument.
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