Posted by Roy L. Fuchs on 10/05/35 11:38
On 27 Jan 2006 18:37:19 +0100, "V S Rawat" <VSRawat@Invalid.none> Gave
>Justin wrote:
>> What's professional about helping someone steal?
>We are fellow members, not judges, not the keepers of
>everybody's ethics.
You're an idiot. My opinion... I am allowed to express it.
>If someone asks a question, anyone who feels like replying it,
>should reply to it, and anyone who has whatsoever problem with
>the question should either present those in a civilised manner,
>or should keep shut.
You're a goddamned retard. If I want to treat you or anyone else
like a drill sergeant that just missed his turkey day, I will.
So YOU shut the fuck up, jackass.
>I am also interested in knowing the same.
Good for you, fucktard! It isn't legal. That alone should wake you
the fuck up. We'll see.
>Anyone who has problem with my stealing can shove his head up
>his ass.
If I had the ability to, I'd shove it up yours, fucktard. I'd strip
you of your computer AND your ability to download illicit materials
from the net, and YOU would get a very serious lesson in life. THIS
GROUP is NOT about this topic, so take your CRAP somewhere else, like
a warez group or the illicit movie download group. You can fuck off
trying to discuss it in here. Fuck you, BOY!
>At most, one can chant with me "those who have not sinned should
>cast the first stone."
That isn't what it is about, dipshit. Just because SOME people are
committing illicit acts, you think it is open season, or that it
reduces the severe character flaw that it exhibits in you somehow?
You are wrong, dipshit.
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