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MI5 Persecution: Browse the Website (3403)

Posted by MI5Victim on 12/01/07 11:57

MI5 Persecution Update: Friday 25 March, 1999

If You Intend To Reply, Please Read This
Please.... keep your response to one page if you can!. Faxes over a page
or two will be deleted without being read.

The Usual Words

The persecutors-who-wont-admit-theyre-MI5 have been active again this
week. On Saturday 20/3/99 I visited Ravenscourt Park in west London, and
was verbally assaulted with the usual words, "something wrong with
him". This audio file is on the web at URL;

This afternoon (Friday 26/March) I was again verbally assaulted while
travelling by bus. The same sexual obscenity was thrown at me, and the
incident was recorded on my minidisc-walkman. Because of the deeply
offensive nature of the slander, I will not be posting this on the

Keith Hill MP (Labour - Streatham), my elected representative, as ever
refuses to help.

MI5 Persecution : Browse Website

The March 1998 issue (number 42) of .net Magazine reviews the website
describing it as an "excellent site". Since August 11, 1996 over 50,000
people have browsed this website.

You are encouraged to read the web pages which include

a FAQ (frequently asked questions) section outlining the nature of the
persecutors, their methods of harassment through the media, people at work
and among the general public

an evidence section, which carries audio and video clips of media and
workplace harassment, rated according to how directly I think they refer to me

objective descriptions of the state security agencies involved

scanned texts of the complaints I have made to media and state security agencies involved

posts which have been made to netnews over the last four years on this topic

This article outlines what is to be found on the webpages, which you are
encouraged to browse for the complete story.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your excursion through the website starts with the "FAQ - Frequently Asked
Questions" portion. MI5s campaign of harassment against me has been going
on for almost 9 years, and its longevity and breadth is reflected in the
FAQ. Many thousands of people in Britain and abroad, including some
recipients of this fax, have known for many years of MI5s activities
against me. The FAQ describes the mass "Omerta suppressing its
publication"; we pretend Britain is part of the "Free World", yet the
British Secret Police, which is what MI5 are, carry on for many years a
campaign which politicians and the media know about, and rely on the
silent complicity of so many thousands of people.

The FAQs introductory article names those who are "in the know"; media
figures like Martyn Lewis, Michael Buerk, entertainment figures like Chris
Tarrant, politicians and many in the general public, "all united in a
conspiracy which breaks the laws which the UK does have regarding
harassment, and all completely uncaring for any semblance of decency or
elementary respect for individual rights.

Broadcast media play a key role in the harassment. The very first incident
in June 1990 was when a television newsreader reacted to what she saw
happen in my living room at home; such incidents of "interactive
television" are still happening in 1999. The same goes for radio stations
such as Capital FM. In spring 1994, Chris Tarrant on his Capital morning
show made an aside to someone else in the studio, about a person he didn't
identify. He said, "You know this bloke? He says we're trying to kill
him. We should be done for attempted manslaughter". Tarrant and Capital
have made strenuous efforts to avoid answering this charge.

Perhaps worst of all, MI5 have deliberately set-up many incidents in
public places such as tube stations, shops, cinemas, where they have paid
people to throw abuse at me. Since MI5 obtains funds to the tune of 160
million a year to fund its criminal activities, it has funds both to pay
its operatives and to "buy" media figures and members of the public to
take part in its campaign of persecution.

The Security Service are professional liars. They throw slanderous abuse,
yet they refuse to admit out loud that they are doing so. When challenged
about their activities through the Security Service Tribunal they lie and
deny their activities. They induce other workers and managers at places of
employment to take part in their campaign of abuse, presumably by buying
them in the same way they buy media figures.

Complaints, and Press Coverage (BBC Lies, MI5 Lies)

As you might expect I have challenged both the Security Service, through
the Security Service Tribunal, and offending broadcasters, to own up to
what they have been doing. And as you might also expect, all of these
people have lied through their teeth. Still worse, they have refused to
commit unambiguous lies on paper; they have couched their lies in
bureaucratic language, and allowed others to make false assurances and
tell lies on their behalf. So when their lies are exposed, they will then
tell further Clintonesque lies about how they werent really telling lies
in the first place!

On 6/Feb/1997 the BBC told me they would "never engage in any form of
surveillance activity such as you describe". The BBC told me Buerk and
Lewis had refused to put their lies in writing, but had stated verbal
falsehoods denying my accusations of "interactive watching" during news
broadcasts. Clearly Buerk and Lewis fear being caught and exposed, so they
hide behind their Viewer Correspondence department.

In March 1997 I issued a summons against the BBC to try to "smoke them
out". This summons was struck out as "disclosing no reasonable cause of
action", because I had acted as a Litigant-in-Person and most LiP summons
are treated thus. My case was arguable in law, so the striking out was

In June 1997 the Security Service Tribunal wrote to me regarding the
complaint I had brought against MI5 in February. They say, "The Security
Service Tribunal have now investigated your complaint and have asked me to
inform you that no determination in your favour has been made on your
complaint." I think you can guess the contempt which I feel for the
Security Service Tribunal, who have never made a determination against
MI5, and act as merely a whitewashing body for the Security
Service. Unsurprisingly in May 1997 the Interception of Communications
Tribunal gave the same result.

The last few items of "Press Coverage" give details of mentions of the MI5
Persecution in various magazines and newspapers such as BBCs Ariel, the
Observer and .net magazine.


Some audio and video clips of evidence have been recorded. My weakness in
this area is because most of the really unambiguous evidence would have
been obtainable in 1990-92, but I wasnt taping anything at the time, and
its very difficult to now obtain recordings from that period.

The audio clip "Life is so Hard" relates to harassment at my workplace in
Canada. In the latter half of 1996, I was sitting near to co-worker Mark
Lee, who kept coming out with words and phrases which showed MI5 were
supplying him with data from my home life. For example, I would say
something on the telephone at home, and the following day he would repeat
verbatim what I had said. When Mark Lee saw I was recording what he was
saying, he started to make his remarks more ambiguous, or make the obvious
ones out of earshot of the recorder.

However, during the evening of 12 November 1996, at home in my apartment
(flat to you UK-ers), I said "life is so hard, and then you die". A
nihilistic, negative thing to say, but quite distinctive. The following
day, 13 November, Mark said loudly, "life is so hard eh, and then you
die" followed by loud laughter. I captured this on my tape-walkman and the
computer-audio file is posted on the website.

There are a number of other audio files in the websites "Evidence" area
demonstrating the abuse to which MI5 subject me to through their paid

Also in this section is a very interesting article by journalist Bernard
Levin, which followed a meeting I had with a friend in 1991, and to my
mind describes in some details Levins "artists impression" of the
meeting. He talks about a "madman" who "bursts into tears, and swears it
is all true. And it is."

Internet Newsgroup (Usenet) archive

From May 1995 until the present day, this matter has been discussed
exhaustively on internet newsgroups. The most interesting articles from
the first two years of posts are documented here. This area is worth
reading since most of the questions which the reader would ask, have been
asked at some time or another by someone on usenet. Perhaps the very first
article posted sums it all up so succinctly;

Date: Thu May 4 18:27:24 1995
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: BBC's Hidden Shame

Remember the two-way televisions in George Orwell's 1984? The ones which
watched you back? Which you could never get rid of, only the sound could
be turned down?
Well the country which brought Orwell into the world has made his
nightmare follow into the world after him. Since 1990 the British have
been waging war against one of their own citizens using surveillance to
invade privacy and a campaign of abuse in the transmitted media in their
efforts to humiliate their victim.
And the most remarkable thing about it is that what they do is not even
illegal - the UK has no laws to protect the privacy of its citizens, nor
does it proscribe harassment or abuse except in the case of racial abuse.
A lot of people in England know this to be going on, yet so far they have
maintained perfect "omerta"; not a sound, not a squeak has escaped into
the English press, and for all the covert harassment absolutely nothing
has come out into the public domain.
Have the British gone mad? I think we should be told.

So how much deeper will the persecutors-who-wont-admit-theyre-MI5 sink in
their campaign of lies and intimidation? Each time I thought they could
sink no lower, they have managed to surprise me. You thought it could
never happen here? When the MI5 British Secret Police make their smears
against me, it is the corruption of the Establishment, which they are part
of, that is demonstrated.




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