Posted by Bill's News on 12/29/07 00:21
"Richard C." <post-age@spamcop.net> wrote in message
> "ChairmanOfTheBored" <RUlBored@crackasmile.org> wrote in
> message news:okj8n3hv2te3msmp8bkuki9i5nr592rda9@4ax.com...
>> The cable cos cut your resolution, and over half the buyers
>> out there
>> don't even know what they are getting, nor that it makes SDTV
>> look bad
>> because it shoes it for what it really is, in all its low res
>> "detail".
> =============================
> Which is why I get all my DTV/HDTV via antenna!
Does anyone have a numbers supporting this opinion? I capture
both from antenna and cable. On the antenna, which is about 8.7
GBph, I get one HD stream and several non-HD. On the cable,
which is about 17.4 GBph, I get major networks at 2x1080i or
3x720p streams and possibly one other non-HD on either. How are
these numbers any different from each other?
Much of my recording, during the writers' strike, is from PBS.
OTA they send a 720p stream and 3 other SD streams. On cable,
they share with FOX and ABC 720p streams and a single other SD
stream. The cable signal is twice the bit rate of OTA.
After selecting a stream and editing with VideoReDO, most cable
broadcasts (save PBS) contain more bytes per 41 minutes than
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