Posted by Sandoz on 01/12/43 11:39
The lightscribe burner came with the new desktop system I bought, so i
bought some disks and tried it out...
As far as I'm concerned, it entirely satisfied my primary purpose for using
it--making a list of the tracks on the CD so I don't need to physically
write them out on the disk. I could care whether it took 23 minutes, 2
minutes, or 123 minutes to do this--I'm not part of the A.D.D. generation--I
learned a long time ago the world will turn at it's own pace, not the one I
expect it to.
And c'mon, don't be so anal retentive--worry more about your fingerprints on
the OTHER side of the disk where the actual content is, rather than a little
smudge on the label side...
"Agent_C" <Agent-C-hates-spam@nyc.rr.com> wrote in message
> It's not so much that you're limited to grayscale text and graphics,
> or that it's an extra step in the process (so is printing label);
> it's what they don't emphasize in the Ad's and spec pages. How bloody
> long it takes! ...and how delicate the surface media is!
> A stock graphic with bold text took *23 minutes* to burn on my new
> HP-740 drive. If that wasn't bad enough, I can't seem to get a
> fingerprint completely off the finished surface. I've tried Windex and
> tape head cleaner. It's as though it's also etched into the surface.
> What a rip. Once again, I'm the victim of hype...
> A_C
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