Posted by spodosaurus on 03/07/00 11:25
MikeCampbell wrote:
> spodosaurus wrote on 29/08/2005 :
>> Naz wrote:
>>> HI
>>> I have a belkin router but i guess cos of this, when its doing network
>>> test it tells me it can not receive TCP.
>>> What can i do so i can use the winmx and share files?
>>> CHeers
>> do a google search for winmx and port forwarding. Apply what you learn
>> by configuring your router appropriately.
> Explain to me "spodosaurus" exactly why Naz should chance his arm
> through google when he could get a real time relative answer here?
It's not 'real time' unless you have absolutely no life and spend the
entire day sitting in a chair in your stained underwear staring at your
computer while waiting for your next welfare cheque.
Further, the results of the google search will explain how and why to do
this better than people here will. Especially you, who apparently have
no clue about it. I all you know how to do is try to troll, but you're
not quite smart enough to accomplish that successfully.
> The
> group is called winmx, now fuck off and google me and configure your
> stuff accordingley as well you smart mouthed fucker.
Oh does someone have alittle-man's disease? LOL
spammage trappage: remove the underscores to reply
I'm going to die rather sooner than I'd like. I tried to protect my
neighbours from crime, and became the victim of it. Complications in
hospital following this resulted in a serious illness. I now need a bone
marrow transplant. Many people around the world are waiting for a marrow
transplant, too. Please volunteer to be a marrow donor:
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