Reply to wasplayingisplaying

Your name:


Posted by iluvzlayur on 09/18/05 15:29

> > Why the name-calling?
> Call you a cheap bastard - that was your suggestion.

I said IF you call me a cheap bastard, then so is everybody that uses
WinMx, you cheap bastard.

> > If you aren't a cheap asshole, why would you download any song from
> > WinMx when you already know that other people have been successfully
> > prosecuted for exactly that?
> I DL obscure music that's hard to find. Oh that's right, you can't get
> that obscure music because Open Nap hates you.

you didn't answer the question. "Obscure" doesn't mean "without

> > You are a cheap asshole too.

> I must be - that $15 exacto knife is pretty expensive,

If I was Bill Gates, I wouldn't spend the kind of money some stores
want me to spend for stuff. I'm that guy with $100,000 in his checking
account, and would rather spend half the day looking for a better deal
on paper towels because the places I've been to so far are about $1 too
high. Actually, that DOES sound like Bill Gates.

>not to mention
> the mileage you burn up going to enough stores to amass 5,000 songs.
> All I spend are ISP fees.

I spend nothing, I walk to all 5 because they are all on the same city
The good thing about taking advantage of the "customer is always right"
mentality of such stores is that at least I get exercise.

> > I takes me about 1 hour to rip two new cd's and return them to the
> > store. That's about 35 songs. Plus I have a different mindset than
> > you; I like to do it because I like the challenge of defeating the
> > system and getting away with it.
> I think the trouble you go through is the victory of the system. All
> that for a bunch of songs?

Sorry, I don't regard a single hour's worth of effort as "all that".
Hell, I have a beer or two while they are ripping to the computer, so
now I'm allowed to drink on the job.

> RIAA must be happy to know that these are
> the ends that some pirates would go.

Being fatcats, I'm sure they do view walking a quarter mile to the
store and related efforts as strenuous cumbersome effort. But I can
still see my cock when I look down without holding my stomach in.

> Between the two of us, they're
> probably happier with you and you're "Mission: Impossible" style.

doesn't matter to me. One good day at the stores equals about a week's
worth of download-waiting time. I'd otherwise have to let my computer
tie up the phone line all night to keep up with the cd ripping scheme.
I like music, but not enough to get a second phone line.

> rest of us accepted the challenge of learning how to use software like
> WinMX which comes with no instruction manual or help-page.

I know how to use OpenNap. I discovered what the problem was: Since I
have dial-up, anybody who downloads a song from me just kills my
download speed all to shit. I could have left my share folder empty,
but all that means is that those who browse me after i start
downloading from them, and discover I have nothing (or those who use
LeechHammer) will thus cancel me and put me on ignore. My solution was
to therefore share 500 mp3s, but give them names that nobody would want
to download. That way I bypass the Leechhammer, but then nobody is
interested in anything I have and thus all my bandwidth can concentrate
on my downloads. I ripped 500 songs into my share folder, then used a
bulk file-renaming utility to name all of them with names that nobody
would wish to download, such as "homeless windex bangee".

It worked like a charm on WinMx, because most people seem to use
LeechHammer, and if LeechHammer tells them I am sharing 80 or more
mp3s, that's good enough for them. However, the people on OpenNap seem
to manually browse me and discover that I'm sharing absolute dogshit.
I renamed the files back to their original names, and suddenly, OpenNap
works like a charm.

But I still switch to the dogshit share folder when I want to search
WinMx to get download started quicker. I'm an "all-take-and-no-give"
sorta bastard, and it's people like me that give p2p file sharing a bad
name, which I am very proud of.

> > It's neither purposeless nor get free songs which are
> > indisputably of good quality.
> Actually, I already get songs of good quality - I either buy them or
> get them from WinMX.

Fate must love you more than me, I guess.

> > But some people who love music, would think my procedure IS worth the
> > effort. Do ALL New Yorkers immediately assume that they way they think
> > is the way everybody else thinks?
> Actually no - they don't even expect common-sense to be all that
> universal, which is why you're method of piracy isn't all that
> surprising. What is surprising is that nobdy's sold you a CD that has
> already been through your procedure with another buyer.

Yes, that would be suprising, because I already told my friends, and
they've benefited that way before I got around to doing it, so perhaps
some new cd that I ripped and returned, has already blessed that last 5
or 6 cheap assholes before me.

> Unsurprising
> as it is, your procedure makes no sense. It's time consuming and labor
> intensive to say the least,

Your doctor can prescribe a special exercise utility for your hands and
arms to get you off the couch and a new lease on life. Trust me, my
rip-and-return scheme is anything BUT "labor intensive". Hell I
watched a porno, drank a beer, babysat, and yacked with my neighbor all
while getting songs off a cd. It's a labor of love, not a labor of

> by an order of magnitude in comparison to
> winmx, for the same profit. That conclusion requires no assumption,
> merely reasoning.

Ah, but you fail in your reasoning to take into account the problems I
stated I have with songs from WinMx, which you snapped back that you
didn't have. You might get great quality songs, but I don't. I'm an
audiophile, one skip in the song is one too many. We are two very
different people. I don't think that getting it free means I need to
live with less than first-rate product. Don't forget, I'm on dial-up,
and I need my phone line open most of the time. So I really have no
other way to feed my desire to overcome protection schemes and satisfy
my craving for songs, except to make homemade exacto knives while my
daughter pays the rent working two jobs :) Were not talking anymore
because she didn't come home last night with pizza and beer for me
after she got off work at 2:30 am. But that's another story.

> > but there's no bullshit or fakery about ripping cd's. Unless you don't
> > really want the songs, and you just keep deleting them after you rip
> > them.
> It was the ends you unneccessarily went to get that music that makes
> you the Dan Brown of piracy - always the more complicated answer for
> the same result.

How old are you? You think my scheme is "complicated" !? I LOVE doing
this shit! Do you LOVE your job? Does it allow you to stay home and
sleep all day and drink beer and yack with the neighbors and watch Mtv?

> > > We dishonest freeloading
> > > bastards share our stuff, rather than stick somebody else for paying
> > > for our left-overs.
> >
> > Methinks the RIAA is getting stuck by everybody who obtains their
> > copyrighted music without paying for it. There is simply no denying
> > that they lose money due to such file-sharing.
> an old argument, not likely to be resolved in this thread, and entirely
> irrelevant to your argument.

THAT comment you just made is irrelevant. You started that "old
argument" (see above) and I was merely offering my differing opinion.
I never offered "the RIAA is losing money" to SUPPORT any previous

And your comment was wrong anyway, except perhaps saying it was an old
argument. Unless you can say with all sincerety that even after you
burn a cd full of songs downloaded thru WinMx, that you'd NEVERTHELESS,
still go buy those exact same songs at the store, then WinMx has become
the reason you spend less money on CDs.

One of the RIAA's stronger points is when they ask what reason somebody
who downloads copyrighted songs would have to go buy those same exact
songs from the store. WinMx users can't answer that. if they say they
won't buy the same songs, that's loss of profit for them. If you say
you'd still buy those same exact songs, well then, even your own WinMx
buddies will think you are one crazy son-of-a-bitch.

> > I have. I worked a returns and exchanges counter for about 2 weeks. I
> > fired after I refunded money to my friend who returned 26 cd's she
> > bought earlier that day. None of them had the plastic wrapping on
> > them, and none of them had the cd's in them either. My manager yelled
> > "goddam!" when he found out. I am currently suing them for religious
> > discrimination.
> There's a religion based on subourning theft?

Yes, it's called Christianity. Don't you go to church?

> > You aren't quite the music connosueir I am.
> Actually, if you're less discriminating than I am, you're no connoseur
> at all.

I'm glad to shed that title before I even put it on, thank you. I'm
more like a hog than a connoseur. I'm all take and no give and I step
on everything and everybody in order to satisfy my cravings. If I
thought I could get one more extra Mp3 in a day by slashing your tires,
I'd do it.

> > > The only stuff I couldn't get is likely so obscure
> > > that few music stores would be likely to have it either.
> >
> > I have lots of obscure stuff that i haven't seen anywhere else. For
> > example, an hour's worth of recording outtakes by Garth Brooks, singing
> > "the dance".
> Garth Brooks? I take back the above - you are a connousuer, but of
> what, we'll leave for others....

Yes, "Garth Brooks". The all-time best selling solo act in US history.
The guy who had 4 consecutive albums get to #1 on both of Billboard's
Country AND POP charts. You don't need to leave the answer to others,
I can answer for myself; I am a "connousuer" of music steeped in the
biggest success of a solo-act in Us History. Thanks for the
compliment. The point is not that going with the popular opinion is
good....the point is rather that any insults toward the music of Garth
Brooks, expressed or implied, ride on the assumption that the awards
and success he has achieved mean nothing, which is stupid.

I'll bet you'd like to have his money!

> > 5 stores in my city, each with at least 4 different people that work
> > the returns counter. And you can return to the same person if you wait
> > and return to other clerks and stores first. One clerk accepts returns
> > from me every single day, and she neither knows me nor remembers me.
> Have you ever considered robbing the place - seeing how you've cased it
> so well?

Yes, but I have morals and I PAY for what I want, I don't steal.

>>Garth Brooks would be proud as punch to know that his fans
> will employ a hit man's precision to acquire his music. "There has got
> to be a way" he thinks "to make some money off this guy."

My attorneys are ready to negotiate a deal with him the day he calls.

> > We have sex every other night. The more music she allows me to return,
> > the more I put out in bed. When she once allowed me to return 13 new
> > dvds, she got written up for it at work. But she said that night was
> > the best sex she ever got from me. I buy her alcohol, she helps with
> > my scheme. It's a world gone mad.
> Actually, it's par for the course on this NG. Normally, whenever
> somebody adopts an unpopular viewpoint and can't substantiate it over
> getting slammed by others, the talk typically turns to sexual
> supremacy. Typical, though not very plausible.

First, I didn't say I was good in bed. I said SHE said I was good in
bed. Big difference. Because the next fuck might have a different
attitude toward me when she sees all those open sores on my groin.

I don't remember getting slammed by anybody in this newsgroup.
However, I seem to recall the faint echos of tack-hammers trying to
hurt a mountain.

> > I was remembered one time by a female clerk at a K-Mart. She was about
> > to refuse the return, and turned to speak to her manager. I sucker
> > punched her in the back of the head. The police were called and the
> > one of them speedily refunded my money while the clerk I punched lay on
> > the booth floor, vomitting and dizzy.
> Ofcourse, they refuse to refund, until you sucker punch one of their
> employees into a puke-fugue. Happens all the time in NY - oh wait,
> there I go making assumptions again.

We all make assumptions because we all have asses.

> > Good point, however, it also has to do with me using up time to
> > download a song from WinMx, then playing it and discovering that it is
> > either some other song entirely, or sounds very gritty, in definance of
> > the stats WinMx showed for them.
> What stats are you talking about? I get high-quality sound from WinMX
> (the same can't be said for the video, though that's likely because
> most of it is from old TV shows badly ripped from VHS. You're likely
> to encounter bad quality down the line anyway if you transcode or if
> you burn to CD which we know doesn't last forever.

I only download songs that WinMx says were ripped at 320 bit-rate. Yet
even most of those often have scratches and squeaks, and I just got
tired of all the waiting. To wake up happy in the morning because I
now had 15 new songs, only to discover that 8 of them were damaged like

> > But again, I love the feeling of knowing I have defeated a protection
> > scheme and gotten away with it.
> The system was never designed to utterly stop theft, merely make it as
> impractical as possible, and force those determined to end run it to be
> as impractical as possible. Sounds to me like they succeeded. And
> what utterly convincing and concrete response can you provide which is
> guaranteed to wow us with its inherent believability?

I work for the CIA, and my rip and return scheme is just a
sophisticated way of doing a psychological profile on female
counter-clerks. Let me return these 50 cd cases with no cd's in them,
and I'll let you twirl my key-chain downtown in front of the bar.

> > That's why I never wear condoms when I have one-night stands in other
> > states.
> The other states being other states of conciousness.

ROTFLMAO, that was good! I guess it's really New York and not New Yok
after all!

> Now Playing: "Angry Johnny" by Poe.

was playing: Washington Irving's reading of the Tell-Tale heart. Can't
get that stuff no mo.

[Back to original message]

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