Posted by gvellenzer on 10/01/05 17:39
Perseus wrote:
> On 1 Oct 2005 08:21:41 -0700, "Sinera" <usinera@gmail.com> wrote:
> >Hi all,
> >
> >I really don't understand why all the computer journals keep informing
> >the world and the net that winmx is closed. Well, yes.. www.winmx.com
> >is closed.. but the program winmx and its p2p network is up and
> >running. Someone pointed out that the winmx p2p network was down for 14
> >hours only.
> >
> >It's like saying that netscape has closed down. How can people be so
> >retarded?
> >
> >U
> Sinera,
> Those "computer journals" (you must have a lot of spare time to have
> been reading them *all*) just repeat after each other. The "program
> winmx" is running you say, so you haven't shut it down and deleted it
> yet, like some claim to have done?
> "14 hours only"? So what are we talking about anyways, huh?
> "How can people be so retarded?" you ask, well, that question might
> well be addressed by a/your shrink (not implying you're actually seeing
> one though!) I figure.
> So let them write and spread (false) rumors as much as they like, you
> now know better, right?
The longer the RIAA reads and believes that WinMX is shut down, the
better for us. :-)
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