Posted by Perseus on 01/19/62 11:28
On 06 Oct 2005 02:40:13 GMT, TaskProperties <tskprop@dontspammee.com>
>FTC Goes After Another Spyware Peddler
>The Federal Trade Commission is taking legal action against the distributor
>of a malware-infested file sharing program. The FTC also has asked the US
>District Court in New Hampshire to order Odysseus Marketing, publisher of
>the software, to suspend operations.
>Odysseus Marketing distributes and promotes a peer-to-peer file sharing
>program named Kazanon, which they claim provides total anonymity to their
>users while sharing files. The FTC says that this claim is false, that
>people using the software are not anonymous. Making such a false claim is
>itself a violation of federal law.
>Kazanon comes bundled with another program known as "Clientman". The FTC
>states that Clientman is spyware and that, once installed, it downloads and
>install numerous other spyware programs on behalf of various third parties.
>All of this activity takes place without adequate disclosure. What little
>disclosure there is appears in the middle of a lengthy license agreement
>located on Odysseus Marketing's web site.
>The FTC also alleges that Odysseus Marketing deliberately made it difficult
>to remove the software installed with Kazanon. In fact, Odysseus offers an
>uninstall tool that, instead of removing the software, actually installs
>more spyware.
>The FTC charges that the practices of Odysseus Marketing, and its principal
>Walter Rines, are unfair and deceptive and violate the FTC Act. The agency
>will seek a permanent halt to the practices of this marketing company.
Commendable action by the FTC in my opinion!
Nice post.
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Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows.
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