Posted by Angrie.Woman on 10/07/05 21:32
Hammerer wrote:
> "Angrie.Woman" <Angrie.Woman@ggmail.com> wrote in message
> news:Xgw1f.162$u44.53@newssvr23.news.prodigy.net...
>>Hammerer wrote:
>>>"Christy" <christy@netease.net> top-posted
>>>in message news:di4kcc02uil@enews2.newsguy.com...
>>>>"Hammerer" <hammerer@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>>>>>"Christy" <christy@netease.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>Downloading from winmx, is it illegal?
>>>>>Sure is, Chris! If they catch you, they'll tear you a
>>>>>new arse. Don't worry, though - it would perhaps
>>>>>be an improvement on the old one. Hey! Just teasing!
>>>>my ass is very nice thank you... =)
>>>Great, Chrost! Statistics show that those who have very nice
>>>asses, thank you, receive much shorter sentences when convicted
>>>of using illegal P2P programs! Those lawyers and judges are such
>>>preverts . . . . which is a good thing, in your case.
>>I'll vouch for that. Wear your hair up, a nice navy suit, with a
>>skirt above the knee. Pumps that are just a hair over sensible.
> I appreciate the advice, but I think that if *I* turned up turned-out like
> that, I'd face a 20-year stretch down the stripey hole. If there's one thing
> the British judicial system can't stand, it's transvestisism. Apparently.
Perhaps you should give Brazil a go then.
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