Posted by FatKat on 10/10/05 21:43
Loco Jones wrote:
> > Trading implies a two way street.
> What does "peer-to-peer" imply?
Leeches & Newbies.
Oh, you meant what did it used to imply?
> > If I want your trade I must trade something in return.
> > I am not saying it is right just that that is the way it is with WinMX.
> Funny, I seem to recall the WinMX slogan as being "the best way to SHARE
> your media".
I don't remember WinMX ever having a slogan. I don't remember WinMX
saying much of anything. I always thought that, with the
non-appearance of any upgrade, or any help-page or anything, we were
one day going to find out that the creators of WinMX had actually been
dead for years.
> > So if you wnt to trade it is incumbent upon you to have
> > something to trade with. If you want to share go to a different P2P.
> There are plenty of people who share freely, without requiring personal
> reciprocation - if the downloader is sharing with the network, that's
> usually enough. This whole "if I'm not getting anything from you, you
> aren't getting anything from me" attitude may suit traders, but it doesn't
> accurately define the user base whose only criteria is that people be
> sharing - with *someone*.
It's a pretty diverse network. The other day I sent what I thought was
a polite request to a user on my queue who was trying to DL several
files through several Open Nap servers (like DutchLeechNet) asking that
he log through a single server. The response I got was, among a few
unprintable words, that I was now added to HIS ignore list. Now here's
a guy who's nasty AND stupid - it's not like I was on his queue for
> (Now Playing: Tit For Tat - Neil Sedaka)
Sounds pretty racy for Sedaka.
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