Reply to Re: WalMart vs. iTunes

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Posted by Joel on 08/27/05 21:45

"" <> wrote:

>For the most part a corporation is a corporation, and they all exist to
>make money. What's wrong with Wal-Mart being giant? Nothing. Is
>Wal-Mart corrupt? Not sure I follow that reasoning. Is Wal-Mart good
>for China and bad for the U.S.? Yes, but they're just filling a niche.

Oh, well, faced with that kind of insightful, complete summary of
Wal-Mart's activities, and the obvious implication that Apple is
basically equivalent to it, I definitely defer to your obvious wealth
of knowledge and wisdom in applying it.

>As to WMA, iTunes is just another DRM format, which is "unfairly" tied
>to iPod's which are "unfairly" tied to the Mac OS (although iTunes will
>work from a PC).

Well, if other players would/do support AAC, and people would "get
beyond" Apple's DRM, the iPod wouldn't have any advantage. iPods are
certainly usable with Windows. I'm not exactly encouraging people to
buy more than a handful of tracks from these online stores, anyway,
though, since they're overpriced.

> Whether it's corporation X or corporation Y makes no
>difference at the end of the day. Both corporation X and Y are out to
>make money. Both X and Y integrate/tie/bundle software and OS. (X
>could be Microsoft, Y could be Apple, for example.)

Once again, your insight surpasses mere mortals'.

Joel Crump

"Of course, it is ironic that a media company [Fox News Channel] that
should be seeking to protect the First Amendment is seeking to
undermine it by claiming a monopoly on the phrase 'fair and balanced.'"
- Judge Denny Chin, referring to Fox News accusing Al Franken of
trademark infringement.

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