Posted by Don M. on 11/15/99 11:25
"FunkyDevil" wrote in message
> http://www.broadcastingcable.com/article/CA6252825.html?referral=SUPP
> Diddy Did Diddly for MTV
> The audience to MTV's Video Music Awards plunged 22%.
Maybe, just maybe, 22% of the potential audience had better things to do, like run for
their lives or follow the news.
Every time I watch TV there seems to be another award show going on. As if being paid
millions of dollars to play isn't rewarding enough, they also need respect and recognition
from their peers and the public. Their exercise in self-aggrandizing is sickening, esp.
when the attitude is one of "the show must go on". So the New Orleans Saints are safe and
sound in San Diego... WTF, who cares??
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