Posted by Ted 'Submarine Captain Wannabe' Kennedy on 11/15/60 11:26
On Sun, 11 Sep 2005 17:09:49 GMT, KNM <elakdjNOSPAM@gmail.com> was
understood to have stated the following:
>> Typically, because Sony is SO DRM minded, build their products to
>> REQUIRE an application known as Sonic Stage. Sonic Stage is without a
>> doubt the biggest pile of crap to hit the market since Windows.
>It's strange that they do not realize that it is really bad marketing to
>have that feature. But they DID give up the atrac3 requirement though.
It amazes me that (a) Sony is stupid enough to require Sonic Stage,
and (b) customers are stupid enough to purchase their systems
requiring Sonic Stage.
However, I did not realize they gave up the atrac3 requirement; that
is *almost* a step in the right direction. Anyone purchasing Sony
devices for playback of MP3s deserves what they get, IMO. I regret I
didn't research my NetMD more prior to purchase; I took for granted
that because the packaging stated it played MP3s, it played MP3s.
Never again will I trust Sony products.
"Do we operate under a system of equal justice under law? Or is there one system for the average citizen and another for the high and mighty?" ~ Senator Ted Kennedy, 1973
Kennedy to Search Iraqi Rivers for WMD
by Scott Ott
(2003-01-21) -- Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy, D-MA, offered to help the U.N. weapons inspectors by personally searching the bottoms of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for canisters of gas or biological agents.
The Senator, who had some experience diving on a submerged metal object in 1969, said, "Each citizen must do what he can to support the effort to disarm Saddam. I'm going to see if I can get to the bottom of this thing...as it were. I'm hoping to come up with something...uh...again, as it were."
Sen. Kennedy declined to discuss the specifics of his previous diving experience.
When asked if Sentator Kennedy would consider a Presidential Nomination for the next election, Ted responded by stating "I'll drive off that bridge when I come to it."
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