Posted by Mike Morgan on 09/14/05 08:04
karenftx wrote:
> "Mike Morgan" <> wrote in message
> news:dg7551$j66$
>> > Who the hell is Simon Cowell and why should I care what he thinks?
>>This is an excellent question and warrants serious discussion and debate.
>>In my opinion he is a non-entity whose thoughts needn't be of consequence
>>to anybody or anything. Yet in spite of this, his opinion appears to have
>>consequence within the british entertainment industry on account of the
>>fact the the masses (and indeed the entertainment industry) are fool
>>enough to believe that his opinion has consequences within the british
>>entertainment industry. Once again the emporer is in possession of the
>>finest new clothes in all the land and rumours that small children can see
>>his arse are without foundation and should not be taken seriously.
> Um, why are you posting in an AI NG if you don't know who Simon is? Pretty
> dumb, if you ask me.
Please read the following statements and observe that they are correct.
1) The thread is cross-posted to four newsgroups.
2) My comment indicates quite clearly that I know who Simon is.
Once these have been confirmed it is easy to deal with your comment. I
posted in a newsgroup called and cannot
avoid knowing who Simon Cowell is even though I would like to.
Therefore, I refute the allegation that I am dumb as it was clearly
based on incorrect assumptions.
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